HELP! Can't get a connection to my IP camera


Oct 23, 2014
Hi everyone

I'm new here, as you can see, and I'm kind of a rookie, when it comes to network setup and IP-stuff, so I hope someone here can help me out.
I just bought an IPS camera and is trying to get it to work, but can't. I'm not interested in monitoring my camera over the internet. I simply want to be able to monitor it over my Local Area Network.
I connected the camera and my computer to my router, both via Ethernet cable. Put them in ports 1 and 2. Then I ran the software called IPCSearch which was included in the package, which should be able to identify my camera. But it simply doesn't find any cameras on the network.

Help! What am I doing wrong?

Thanks :)
what is the make & model of your camera?
Now I found the camera in IPCSearch. But I still can't get a connection to it from iSpy software.
Any suggestions?
what is the ip address of the camera...what is the ip address of your router? You need to make sure that the cameras range is in the same range as your router...