Help id security system


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
My neighbor just got robbed today. She had an alarm but was not arming it because she does not know the code. I need help identifying the panel as well as determining whether its possible to set this unit up with for monitoring. It is labeled as Honeywell and Apxalarm as the installer which I understand is now viviant. If not, can I reuse the wireless window/door contacts with a new Honeywell keypad. Can I use other brands with Honeywell's contacts? See attached photo.


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That is a Lynx panel. It is a panel, keypad, siren, and communicator all in one. You can reprogram that panel, or buy a vista 20p, keypad and use all of the wireless devices through out the house. They will all work with the new panel. I'm not a fan of the Lynx because everything is in that one area. Not very security conscious of Honeywell IMO. The most recent Lynx is alittle nicer than that. It has a color touchscreen and is Zwave and GSM compatible.
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Thank you vector! Is there any way to change the code without knowing the old one?
I believe if you enter the installer code than 8 than 02, you change the master code. But see if you can download the programming guide.