@alastairstevenson that devious method was the Python-based 'binwalk -e' tool, followed by 7-Zip and a handy-dandy hex editor. Just some bit-twiddling, honestly.
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C:\Users\VorlonFrog\Downloads> [B]tftp[/B]
Transfers files to and from a remote computer running the TFTP service.
TFTP [-i] host [GET | PUT] source [destination]
-i Specifies binary image transfer mode (also called
octet). In binary image mode the file is moved
literally, byte by byte. Use this mode when
transferring binary files.
host Specifies the local or remote host.
GET Transfers the file destination on the remote host to
the file source on the local host.
PUT Transfers the file source on the local host to
the file destination on the remote host.
source Specifies the file to transfer.
destination Specifies where to transfer the file.
C:\Users\VorlonFrog\Downloads> [B]tftp -i PUT app.ifu[/B]
@nayr Not sure why and I am not trying to be rude to the OP but why do people always insist on having the most up to date firmware. If it works good for you now, why change it. People don't update to a new version of windows every time it comes out...
@pal251, maybe a bit of background on my motives will help. I've been an IT professional since 1984 starting with Digital Equipment Corporation, and have always liked to tinker with things. I take DSLRs apart to remove filters to make them more sensitive to do astrophotograpy, converting old Philips based CCD web cams to do long exposure by adding a logic chip, cutting traces, and lifting pins on the control chip to control exposure length, building arduino kits, flashing new builds where I tweaked some code, playing around building scratch built quad copters using different flight control boards, etc. I'm curious and like to see how things work. I purchased this camera to play with PTZ features but it didn't have any motion detection setting, so I went looking for a firmware update. I made the choice to roll the dice on firmware that matched the model number and had just been released on another site. My mistake, but I knew the possbility of bricking the camera and I made that choice to go ahead. I'm usually quite successful in my tinkering adventures, but I do have a drawer of "spare parts" from some failures.@nayr Not sure why and I am not trying to be rude to the OP but why do people always insist on having the most up to date firmware. If it works good for you now, why change it. People don't update to a new version of windows every time it comes out...
I'm just hoping vmsguy/Brent had some measure of success with his camera last night. I'm still interested in seeing the 'dmesg' output from this camera. The partition information from the BOOTARGS variable is helpful, but there's nothing like actual output for reference.