
Apr 28, 2023
How do I stop my step-son from hacking the wifi and all my devices, he keeps managing to disable my devices, laptop etc
Feed him to the crocs?

What does this have to do with IP Cams? BOT?
We have got a lot of Bots here lately and your post had the look/feel of bots.

You need to provide more specifics - how is he hacking? Like do you have easy passwords? Is he actually hacking your devices or simply knocking you off the internet?

How about set up a router admin password that is not written down and not easy and then set up a guest network that only he uses?
We have got a lot of Bots here lately and your post had the look/feel of bots.

You need to provide more specifics - how is he hacking? Like do you have easy passwords? Is he actually hacking your devices or simply knocking you off the internet?

How about set up a router admin password that is not written down and not easy and then set up a guest network that only he uses?
Thank you I appreciate the feedback. I'm not 100% sure it's him but he's very tech savvy and his father thinks it's him too. It's just weird things like all of a sudden not being able to login to my own laptop. We're always changing/making up what we think is hard wifi password but he always manages to connect.. he's stolen our credit card details and even his grandmother card details, I just don't trust him and concerned what information of ours he's using.. Anywho rant over, thanks again for your feedback
That sucks.

I'd say factory reset the router. Assign the router a tough admin password.

Set up a non-broadcast wifi that you hook to.

Only give him access to the guest network.

But if he is tech savvy that won't stop him and maybe he even put a keylogger on your stuff.
credit card info can be gleaned from the card itself, and possibly off the statements.

call the police
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That sucks.

I'd say factory reset the router. Assign the router a tough admin password.

Set up a non-broadcast wifi that you hook to.

Only give him access to the guest network.

But if he is tech savvy that won't stop him and maybe he even put a keylogger on your stuff.
It's worth a shot thanks heaps
If he is doing all of that, then screw giving him access to a guest account. Factory reset the router/modem and set up a really hard password. Kick his ass out of the house. If he is too young to kick him out, take away ALL of his tech. No cellphones, computers, xbox, etc. Lock up all of your devices so he has no physical access to them.

If you are not tech savvy enough to do this, then no one here can really help you out. Pay someone from a computer store/repair shop to come in and set up everything securely AND explain it to you. Do you have Geek Squad or Nerd Herd there?
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Additionally, this really is not the proper forum to help you. There has to be computing security forums that are more appropriate.

What made you pick IPCAMTALK for this information?
This is really the wrong place. But I dare say, a computing forum is also the wrong place. From the little information we have, I would suggest to look for parental counceling in your community, because you and his dad apparently don't have a grip on that kid at all. Which is the problem that leads to all subsequent technical problems.
Turn off Universal Plug and Play (UNP), WPS and Remote Access.

Turn off Port Forwarding.

Turn off respond to Pings (or turn on ignore ping whichever is the setting).

Make sure both Windows Firewall on your devices and the Firewall on your router are switched on.

Set a difficult Username and Password (you might need to keep a text file of these in notepad and cut and paste them when you need to log in to your router (also keep a print out just in case you have issues with your pc and lose the text file).

I suggest a username that isn't guessable ie not relatives names, favourite places, birthdays, cars, "let me in" or similar but a name that's maybe 5 or 6 characters and a mix of Upper and lower case and numbers.

For your password, I suggest 12 to 18 characters long of random letters, capitals / lower case, numbers and symbols.

Repeat the above for your wifi password as wifi is another easy way in. Don't ever let him connect via your wifi other than a temporary guest network and restrict access to guest accounts. For wifif your own devices will remember the password and agin you can have it written down somewhere convenient he cannot find it for if you ever need to reset a device or reconnect it.

Also, don't give him access to your devices ie let him borrow your laptop or phone etc as he could discover the passwords or install logging software - good point here, might be worth virus scanning or scanning with malwarebytes to check for keyloggers etc on your devices. Not sure how literall to take the hacking bit but if he's an amateur hacker, he may have installed ways of capturing passwords on your devices.

My guess is that if he's external to your property, he's probably gaining access using Port Forwarded addresses / Remote Access and / or UNP to install his device as a permitted device.

This pretty much says what I'm saying here, but might have some more additional tips:

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The reality is that if he has local access to the networking equipment, there is little you can do to stop him. Just as easily as you can reset the router/wifi access (by pressing the button on the physical device), so can he. Therefore you'll need to make sure the physical equipment (along with all of your paper based financial records and private information) is inaccessible to him.

I realize family dynamics are really hard, but you certainly need to be having hard conversations with your wife. At some point, his criminal activities need to be addressed. When a family member starts stealing money from their own family, it's usually to support a drug habit (whether you believe he is on drugs or not). Doing nothing is simply enabling him and is not going to help him long term.