Help - Magenta Z12E


Getting comfortable
Jan 1, 2024
What is going on here, Dahua Z12E went magenta. I can't get it to change, nothing funky in settings.
Tried a camera restart, nothing.

Video is this morning, the switch from black and white to color
View attachment magenta.mp4
That is the typical IR filter getting stuck.

Tap the camera with a hammer or screwdriver or something usually gets it loose.
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Spring loaded?

Is this common?
At the moment this camera is on a test rig so it’s easy to get to. Intended use is for LPR up on a pole.
15 feet up. Not easy to get to.
Now that it’s happened once, Should I expect this to happen often?
Camera has been in service on the test rig for over a month, just doing different duties. Never an issue.
Yeah spring loaded.

It isn't common, but it can happen from time to time. It has only happened to one of my cameras once and has been fine since.

Tapping it usually gets whatever microscopic particle is getting it stuck out of the way.

Sometimes you can get it going again if it is up high by going to the day/night option and force B/W and color a couple of times until it frees itself.
Yea, I tried the force B/W to color switch but only tried it once.
I’ll give it a tap in a little while, see what happens.
Ok solved for now --

tapped it a bit with the rubber handle of a large screwdriver -- no change until a restart of the cam. Back to color.
Forced BW and color a few times and all OK at the moment