Known around here
What is the difference between the 5442H-ZHE and the 5442E-Z4E
Sorry didn’t see the Z4
Both have a 2.7-12 and an 8-32 Z4 variant. Gotta compare apples to apples
New H-ZHE 2.7-22
0.0006 lux@F1.2 (Color, 30 IRE)
0.0003 lux@F1.2 (B/W, 30 IRE)
0 lux (Illuminator on)
Standard E-ZHE 2.7-12
0.0007 lux@F1.8 (Color, 30 IRE)
0.0004 lux@F1.8 (B/W, 30 IRE)
0 lux (Illuminator on)