Help with fixing a bricked SWANN NVR16-7250


Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
Hello... Out of sheer stupidity and total carelessness. I upgraded the firmware of a SWANN NVR16-7250 network video recorder with the wrong firmware last Saturday around 2pm. I've called SWANN support and they will get back to me. The NVR's present state is exactly the same as Saturday's: Turn it on and it boots up with a beep then after 5 or 8 seconds, the logo comes up on the monitor, the TX/Rx LED at the front side of the NVR flashes with activity, then the monitor says it's not getting any video signal so it goes to sleep mode. The POWER and Tx/Rx LEDs on the front of the NVR stays on and so does the NVR

After who knows how much time- there's no pattern at all- the NVR beeps, then the logo shows, LEDs are lighting up a storm , then the monitor sleeps so the whole ritual starts over again and again and again ... Here's what I've done so far- since 6pm last Saturday:

Connected my PC to NVR using cat5e cable. Assigned IP address and used "open" in Telnet, the connection is made and the monitor displays:

"BusyBox v1.2.1 (2012.11.07:22+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of davinci system commands.

# <= (flashing cursor)
Tried to find out as much as can about Busybox and was able to "talk" to NVR with very basic commands. Typed "busybox" at prompt to see how Busybox was configured. Does the list of commands (functions) seem small? Anyone out there if I can put original firmware to NVR using this tool?

In Telnet, I can ping the NVR okay and do the very little commands that I know of successfully. However, every five minutes or so, the NVR will beep then Telnet will display "Connection to host lost. Press any key to continue... I'll also notice the disconnected messsage that XP sends out when network connectivity goes. The NVR stays ON and with no discernable pattern,the tower's XP will flash "Local Area Connection is now connected" and if I'm quick enough, I can telnet fine again untill the whole beeping and disconnecting then beeping then reconnecting starts all over

I installed tftd32 with hikvision's own TFTP server and both installs went well. However, none of them had any interaction with the NVR. I'll have tftpd32 running, for example behind the scenes. Telnet is running too and my PC and NVR are connected and"telneting" but tftpd is ignored or doing the ignoring. Same with the hikvision tftp.

Going to try RS232 serial. Any ideas, tips, comments, hints suggestions..please feel free to hurl them my way. Would greatly appreciate any help regarding this dumb nvr-bricking episode. Thanks for your time.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
I dont know how to help you, but if you purchased this unit from costco and swann cannot help you...just return it.