Helping my vet choose an indoor PTZ to monitor kennels--help?

It's probably not the right solution. The dahua ptz plus a pc running Blue Iris would be cheaper and would work better.

Think outside the box Horsey! Offer clients the ability to use the Blue Iris App to watch their pet.

"That's right, we are the ONLY vet that -- for a paltry $35.00 per day -- will let you monitor your pet live!"

Install one (1) single Dahua Starlight 2MP camera for each kennel/cage location at a cost of (approximately) $100.00 per camera. Then assign a camera group to each kennel location (Kennel01, Kennel02, Kennel03, Kennel04, Kennel04). Then create a UID/Password for each "subscriber" giving that subscriber to view only the Group kennel location their pet is recovering in.

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I have actually thought about suggesting that for their boarding operation. For the hospital side it might not be appropriate, some of the patients are in dire straits and heavy medical stuff could go down that you might not want the owner to see unexpectedly. There are also considerations with attaching cameras right to the kennels in the hospital area--wire management, cleaning. But for the boarding operation, yeah. Very cool.
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