Here Kitty Kitty....


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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And every picture and document they've ever saved are all in "My Documents".
Ain't it the truth...or with the other 847 files on the desktop!

Once the owner of a floor covering store called me, I discovered his hard drive had had a catastrophic failure. He was relieved, however, that he had "....backed up the spreadsheet of sales for the past 3-4 years on a flash drive", he said. As it turns out, he had been backing up a shortcut, not the file itself. Didn't know what that little arrow on the icon meant, let alone what the term 'shortcut' meant. :facepalm:

For some reason, the phrase "Pubic Recreation Area" made me think of this:
Ah, the Seinfeld show. IMO, some of the best comedy lines and situations, many still in service or being recalled today. My wife doesn't get it...never did. It's so true that people have their own brand of humor, but it must have been a majority of the people did like the show considering it's popularity and its air time.:lmao:


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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I admit not trying the snipping tool much, but I'd just been using PSP5, and the ctrl/Print Screen for so many years before the snipping tool existed that a lot of it is force of habit. .........
.................I probably didn't give it enough of a try, and didn't learn how to make it really do what I wanted.
Same here. But ya know, I don't knock people for not using what works for me so I expect the same consideration. I think a person should use what suits their needs, they are comfortable with and does everything they want to do. And for now, at this time, PSP5 "floats my boat", so to speak.

I would rather use a program, whether it be an image editor, word processor, video converter or whatever, that has always allowed me to do what I wanted and given me the results I sought than have a program that costs more, loads more slowly, and has so many bells & whistles that I haven't needed or touched in 5 years and in most cases is overkill for 90% of what I do with an image editor. Now that's just me. PSP5 may not accomplish successfully even 20% of what the guy down the road wants to do with an image editor.

J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
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Same here. But ya know, I don't knock people for not using what works for me so I expect the same consideration. I think a person should use what suits their needs, they are comfortable with and does everything they want to do. And for now, at this time, PSP5 "floats my boat", so to speak.

I would rather use a program, whether it be an image editor, word processor, video converter or whatever, that has always allowed me to do what I wanted and given me the results I sought than have a program that costs more, loads more slowly, and has so many bells & whistles that I haven't needed or touched in 5 years and in most cases is overkill for 90% of what I do with an image editor. Now that's just me. PSP5 may not accomplish successfully even 20% of what the guy down the road wants to do with an image editor.
That's all correct. A PC is a tool. A very flexible tool, with may ways to use it to accomplish what you need.

I put PSP5 on every PC I will be using, because it's such a great tool for me. Very fast and productive, etc.

But I use several other more sophisticated and capable image editors on my main PC at home for doing actual photography work. But in general, they are really slow to launch, and real resource hogs. (Adobe, I'm looking at you!)

Launching Photoshop takes a very long time. It's a good program, but a real pig, it just hammers my hard drives mercilessly for several minutes every time. I probably need to format my C drive, reinstall the OS, and start clean on that machine. Something about Photoshop seems to have made it just love to whale on the HDD. Maybe I'll get a solid state drive to replace that C drive and then start clean with that. But PSP5 never does that to me. ;)

J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
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We'll, my wife has called me even worse! And sometimes, she's right!