Herospeed Ambarella S2L33M, trying TFTP boot

I finally resolved auto_dl problem. Timeout programmed in bootloader was too low and it resigned before Ethernet linked up.
I changed two timeouts from 0x7d0 to 0x3000

I replaced 7D 0E to 03 0A (flexible operand of CMP instruction) on offsets 122284 and 122932 on mtd1, but that will likely vary for specific amboot versions.

So I can throw that extra MCU kludge out and cameras boot completely automatically from network.

Did you change something after version2 of your files?
One of my cameras(from 5) is booting everytime(board version is 1.4) but the rest which is board version 1.3 sometimes did not boot

auto-boot from network

             ___  ___  _________                _
            / _ \ |  \/  || ___ \              | |
           / /_\ \| .  . || |_/ /  ___    ___  | |_
           |  _  || |\/| || ___ \ / _ \  / _ \ | __|
           | | | || |  | || |_/ /| (_) || (_) || |_
           \_| |_/\_|  |_/\____/  \___/  \___/  \__|
Amboot(R) Ambarella(R) Copyright (C) 2004-2014
Boot From: NAND 2048 RC
SYS_CONFIG: 0x300600DB POC: 101
Cortex freq: 600000000
iDSP freq: 216000000
Dram freq: 528000000
Core freq: 216000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 24000000
SD freq: 50000000
SDIO freq: 50000000
SDXC freq: 60000000

it looks like it tries to auto boot but after maybe 5s it drops to amboot>