HFW5431-z I need help setting IVS and the shutter speed please !


Young grasshopper
Nov 26, 2016
Reaction score
Thak you to @Crazykiller advices finally I was able to access to my cams by web service , now I was trying to find how to propely set shutter speed to have a better LPR and how to set a D1 subnet streem cutting it on the fov . Can someone please tell me how to do it ?
Then I was trying to set a IVS tripwire rule , the web service finally give me access to the IVS options but when I click on "draw rule" it says "draw now" so I positon the mouse on the preview and I click and drag the mouse, but nothing happens. what I'm doing wrong ?


Mike Mo

Young grasshopper
May 1, 2017
Reaction score
I'm not an expert. In my bench testing, I found that the cameras are very finicky when it comes to doing IVS rules. I think a lot of it is browser dependent. I had the best luck using internet explorer. I couldn't get it to work with chrome or Firefox. I also have a mac, and safari was also problematic for me.

The smartpss app worked though .

As far as shutter speed. I did a lot of testing. there really isn't a universal answer. A lot depends on ambient lighting conditions as well as on the speed of the moving vehicles.

Faster shutter speed equals less light and more noise, but less blur.

During day with a lot of light you can go with 1/2000 ish .

At night you also need to go 1/1500. The key I found with the night LPR is that the headlights or tail lights can really obscure the license plate. What I found was that reallly the whole image needs to be as dark as possible with just the license plate showing up.

Generally, I opened up the aperture / iris all the way. Set shutter speed to 1/1500 or better. I turned on the HLC mode, and zoomed up as much as possible to cover the expected position of the license plates that traveled down my street. IR was st around 60

I haven't run my images through an automated software solution to extract the plates information. But when I reviewed the images manually I could read 99% of the plates. The one or two I couldn't see, where non reflective plates.


Young grasshopper
Nov 26, 2016
Reaction score
I tried these settings but it was a disaster , I'll try again tonight , unfortunately I need to stay at my work place after the closing time to wait the darkness. With these settings results were a totally dark image but all I need I to understand concepts : the more is fast the shutter speed the more dark and noisy is the image . Now I need to learn how the image changes setting higher or lower the other parameters... about ivs I gave up at thon moment, I have a ultra series cam but no ivs available at the moment even by webui


Mike Mo

Young grasshopper
May 1, 2017
Reaction score
For a LPR camera the image at night will be almost black except for the license plates.

I'd also up the gain to 80 and open the iris to 100.

I'd set the IR to manual and set it to around 60-70.

I'm not an expert. I just set up my camera at night and played around with the settings until I found the best image.

Mike Mo

Young grasshopper
May 1, 2017
Reaction score
I'd estimate cars are going around 30-40mph