Hi I have a NR32P8-8, Hard drive replacement and also settings back up ?


Jul 20, 2020
Hi I have a NR32P8-8, Not sure the Brand but I think it runs Hikvision software ( Not sure though ) . The NVR stopped recording and the HD said Abnormal, I initialized it and it worked for a little bit then stopped recording again. I tried to run disc checks but stops and says to many bad sections. I am going to install a new HD this weekend, I can't find a format option but I think the HDD INITIALIZE option is the same thing?

I should not loose my network settings when changing HD?
Is there a way I can back up my settings just in case I have an issue in the future?
Should I update Firmware and if so how?

Thank you, I am not knowledgeable in this area and I appreciate the help.

Firmware version V4.21.005 build 191218
Encoding version V5.0 build 190701
Web Version V4.0.51 build 190529
Plug in Version V3.0.7.10
The HDD only stores video, nothing about the NVR.

All of the NVR settings are saved on the NVR motherboard.

Simply swap out the drive and if it is called Initialize in that NVR do that and you are on your way.

No reason to update the NVR unless the release notes mention fixing something you have a problem with. Doing it for kicks and grins and OCD usually results in trouble as it bricks the device or removes functionality that you were using.
Can I back up the NVR settings? I had a hard time getting this thing to work when i first got it, I would like to have all the settings if something happened.
