Hi, I'm Vic

Nov 14, 2015
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Hello Folks,

I'm Vic, I hail from the South West corner of Australia where I am now, but these days spend most of my days cruisin' around South East Asia, just got back from six weeks in Indonesia...

With the recent increases of drug related break-in crime in this area, my sister's salon getting broken into four times in the past two months, and my hobbies and interests revolving around network engineering web servers and internet related stuff, I've lobbed here at this forum with you fellows with the intention to learn more about setting up IP camera and recording systems for myself, my sister's shop and projects for other people who've talked to me about same for them... And hopefully learn enough to be able to contribute to the community.

While I was in Indo with not much to do but loiter at the beach and date gorgeous women, I began to write myself a web-shop as part of my web-design portfolio, part of the plan to enable living anywhere whilst earning a living from my laptop... And as it happened the subject that popped into my mind became of course, security cameras and hardware...

So I've hooked myself up with a drop-shipping warehouse out of Hong Kong and now my site is almost functional am soon looking to place my first order for some equipment to learn and play with whilst setting up a simple initial system for my first client - my sister, who's chomping at the bit for me to get moving on her shop camera... Also just began learning how to produce videos that I can host on my site about equipment reviews and tutorials... Learn and share at the same time.

Nice to make you acquaintance folks, look forward to chatting... :cool: V