High Def CCD Sensors?


Pulling my weight
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Southern United States
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I'm curious if there's any digital, high definition security cams on the market that use a CCD sensor?

Based on the research I've done, the strongest CCD sensor I've been able to find is Sony Effio-V, which is analog and advertises up to like 800 TVL (and most argue that even that is a stretch as the effective end result will be standard def due to bandwidth limitations of coax cables and the signal properties of PAL/NTSC)...All of the digital cams I've found offering 720p, 1080p and above have CMOS sensors.

I realize this is because CMOS has improved dramatically over the past few years and they're cheaper. However, it seems odd that I've been unable to find any CCD's offering this resolution, even if they cost twice as much. Just curious if anyone is aware of any. Also, is there actually any type of benefit in a multi-megapix CCD verses a multi-megapix CMOS in today's technology? I know in years past, CCD was always considered superior.