Hik-Connect app for Android missing AcuSense human detection markers


Young grasshopper
Jun 20, 2018

A friend of mine has four Hikvision cameras and the DS-7604NI-K1/4P(C) NVR. The cameras are all G2 and support AcuSense, and the NVR supports it as well. On the blue timeline in the playback window, the NVR shows line markers when people are detected. The Hik-Connect app on his iPhone also shows the line markers, but the line markers are missing on his Android phone. I've tested on different Android phones using the latest version of Hik-Connect and the results are the same.

Is this feature missing in the Android version of Hik-Connect?

Is it set for that event to ‘notify monitoring center’?

Is that android logged in to NVR via the hikconnnect cloud? (Not via direct IP)

Is the notifications schedule etc set in the Hik-Connect app ?
All the phones are logged in using Hik-Connect cloud, not using a direct IP connection.
He does not use notifications and no events are configured. The cameras are recording 24/7 and he only opens the app to check if there are any markers on the timeline.

I've tried reinstalling the Android app, I've checked the permissions, everything is fine. On the iPhone, he just installed the app and the markers are there.