Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Inside


Young grasshopper
Jan 31, 2016
So , I've been tinkering with my 4mp cameras for a week or so

I've got a problem with the cameras fading in and out at night as per my other threads but ordering some illuminators this week to see if I can resolve

One of my other big issues is motion blur

I'm running the cameras with 1/25 exposure and I'm getting motion blur with people walking past cameras , Ive tried 1/50 and the picture is very noisy at night

Also a bit confused with I Frame interval , the camera comes with default setting of 50 , tonight I have matched this with my frames per second of 20

However for best possible image quality should I be increasing or decreasing this setting ? is a setting of 1 I frame interval better image quality or 100 better Image quality ?

I'm looking for the best possible image quality achievable for facial recognition. Still images are very good , but once someone walks past the camera I cant identify them.

Any feedback or tips on my current settings would be much appreciated

thanks guys

Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid

Thanks for the link Spixel , any links to problems other people have had with the fading ?
Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid

do you have bullets, turrets or domes? models?

to reduce motion blur, you must decrease exposure (to 1/50 or more).
also, noise reduction can cause 'ghosting', so try turning that down.
adding more light to the scene (either external IR or more white light) will also help.
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Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid

do you have bullets, turrets or domes? models?

to reduce motion blur, you must decrease exposure (to 1/50 or more).
also, noise reduction can cause 'ghosting', so try turning that down.
adding more light to the scene (either external IR or more white light) will also help.

Thanks for the feedback , Ive tried the 1/50 overnight and still get ghosting , I'll try the noise reduction tonight , its currently at 100 however I know I have dropped this to 50 and at night the picture was quite noisy , I did have this at 1/25 and still got ghosting

I'll try noise reduction at 50 and Exposure 1/50 and will see how I get on

Ive updated my signature with the cameras I have , Its worth a note the picture quality is better with my 12mm bullet compared with the 2.8mm dome

Do I frame settings effect picture quality ?
Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid

If by "ghosting" you just mean motion blur, then the only solution is to decrease exposure time. Unfortunately this darkens the image so much that it is often out of the question unless you have a lot of bright outdoor lighting at night. You can try to compensate for it by increasing the gain on some cameras but this makes noise more pronounced and strong noise reduction blurs fine details, often badly. Personally I prefer a noisy image over a blurry one because in my experience the brain is better at filtering out noise than a computer, and once the image is blurred you can't restore lost detail.
Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid

Do I frame settings effect picture quality ?

Yes. Usually not a lot, though. In theory a longer I frame interval is best for image quality because I frames are large (in terms of how much data they require) and the fewer I frames you have, the more data there is left over for the other frames. However some cameras have bad encoders which make the image progressively worse between I frames, and then it is usually best to have a very short I frame interval. It can also aid video streaming and recording if you have more I frames because playback can only begin with an I frame. So if you have only one I frame every 8 seconds for example, you might have to wait up to 8 seconds for the video to begin playing once you begin pulling the stream.

The setting which affects picture quality the most is the bit rate since that directly controls how much compression is applied to the video. Higher bit rate means higher quality but also higher bandwidth usage and larger file sizes of your recordings. Bandwidth is not usually a concern so some people max out the bit rate while others try to find a sweet spot to save disk space while not losing much picture quality.
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Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid

If things are too blurry then increase the max exposure speed. If that makes things too grainy then increase the light (white light and/or IR via external illuminator, preferably with the internal IR turned off). Then increase the speed again til you're happy. Make sure that WDR is turned off or very low at night. Increasing the gain can help with a dark image.
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Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid

Thanks for your replies guys , Since decreasing the exposure time to 1/50 and reducing the digital noise reduction from 100 to 50 I no longer get blurry images at day or night

I'll say the night time picture quality has gone a bit grainy , but at least I can make out faces now

Planning on installing some illuminatiors shortly

I note a few others have reduced digital noise reduction to get rid of ghosting , why is this ? , I Know its had a big impact on my playback but I never considered it
to be a factor

Ive always gone straight in altering FPS , Bitrate etc
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Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid

Thanks for your replies guys , Since decreasing the exposure time to 1/50 and reducing the digital noise reduction from 100 to 50 I no longer get blurry images at day or night

I'll say the night time picture quality has gone a bit grainy , but at least I can make out faces now

Planning on installing some illuminatiors shortly

I note a few others have reduced digital noise reduction to get rid of ghosting , why is this ? , I Know its had a big impact on my playback but I never considered it
to be a factor

Ive always gone straight in altering FPS , Bitrate etc

The ghosting issue being caused by noise reduction is a new problem unique to the 4mp Hikvision cameras, I have many of my 3mp cameras set to 100 on noise reduction and they have no issues. The exact same settings on the 4mp cameras is a blurry mess, you cannot go over 50 without problems it seems. I purchased 20 of the 4mp cameras to test and after testing I kept them, but went back to buying the 3mp cameras because, as you noticed, the night images are more grainy and no improvement (actually worse than) the 3mp cameras.
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Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid

The ghosting issue being caused by noise reduction is a new problem unique to the 4mp Hikvision cameras, I have many of my 3mp cameras set to 100 on noise reduction and they have no issues. The exact same settings on the 4mp cameras is a blurry mess, you cannot go over 50 without problems it seems. I purchased 20 of the 4mp cameras to test and after testing I kept them, but went back to buying the 3mp cameras because, as you noticed, the night images are more grainy and no improvement (actually worse than) the 3mp cameras.

Thanks for the feedback , interesting to know !!!! least I'm not alone with my findings !
Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid

fwiw, i can reproduce ghosting (trails) at will with passing cars at night on my hik 3MP bullet 2032 by turning up the NR,
so wouldn't say it's 'unique' to the 4MP range...
Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid

Seems that the different chipsets have different sensitivities assigned to the scale at least. 50 on one isn't the same as 50 on the other, but that scale is arbitrary (50 what? 75 what?) so exact numbers are unfortunately meaningless.

I don't know what to say about the differing opinions on the 3mp vs 4mp cams at night. I greatly prefer my 4mp 3345-I over my rebranded 3mp 2032 Swann minibullets running in 1080P mode. Those are the only ones I've compared side by side in the same locations and the 3345 came out on top in both pitch black and 60-70 feet from a streetlight. I suppose that isn't quite 100% apples to apples though. I don't have a 2042 to compare in the same place as a true blue Hik 2032.