Hikvision DS-2385 turret cam - moisture in lens


Oct 16, 2018

Home owner here with a new Hik cctv system. I've had moisture in a couple of my DS-2385 turret camera lens as winter draws in. One of them cleared on its own, the other didn't. I've taken it down to dry it out, but I was wondering if anyone has taken one of these to bits to clean the inside of the lens ?? Would it be relatively easy to do, or is it best left alone ??

Yes, it's under warranty, I just thought that if this is going to be a reoccurring theme it would be best just to start taking them apart and cleaning them out, rather than being without cameras while they're returned ??
I also had same with many of those.Just let them hang, and it should be ok after 1 or 2 days. ( thats my experience )
There was moisture in the middle of lens.
I had the same problem with the varifocal version of this camera and it did not clear on its own. Mine came from China so I bit the bullet and disassembled it. Dried it up with hairdryer, replaced dessicant pack, and added silicone grease to gasket. Fixed.