What gain setting are you adjusting? I've got 2 x 2387G2-LU and haven't come across the gain that controls the amplification of the light picked up by the sensor.
They see to use the same firmware for both.
I don't have many street lights in my area (one- on the opposite side of the road and one house down.) I have to supply additional white light. Even then, 1/100 can be a struggle and you run into issues with uneven light spread across a scene causing exposure problems.
Okay, I went off to check and it wasn't there - I only had "Iris", " Anti Banding" and the actual exposure. I missed your post @wittaj and have started updating the firmware on one of them. That would be in "Low Illumination" mode IIRC?
I'll go back and check now as the update will be done.
Well the UI has certainly changed, but no, there's no gain setting under Exposure. I tried all six of the options: Basic, Front Light, Back Light, Low Illumination, Custom 1 and Custom 2. The firmware is Firmware_V5.7.19_241207
But that leaves me stuck running the same settings day and night. I guess I'll have to see how HLC goes during the day- I need it on at night due to the lighting issues.
But that leaves me stuck running the same settings day and night. I guess I'll have to see how HLC goes during the day- I need it on at night due to the lighting issues.