After learning how to use the Chinese language IVMS I discovered how to enable the English language on IVMS 4200. This allows you to configure the NVR with English language settings and can save some money on the hardware 
Install English/Multi Language IVMS
Copy the English (or other) language folders from [install_directory]\Translations
Install the Chinese version
Go to the Translations folder and delete or rename the Chinese and zh_cn folders
Copy your languages into this directory and rename "English" to "Chinese" and "en_us" to "zh-cn"
Open IVMS and enjoy the English Language

Install English/Multi Language IVMS
Copy the English (or other) language folders from [install_directory]\Translations
Install the Chinese version
Go to the Translations folder and delete or rename the Chinese and zh_cn folders
Copy your languages into this directory and rename "English" to "Chinese" and "en_us" to "zh-cn"
Open IVMS and enjoy the English Language