Hikvision English language with Chinese hardware


Apr 10, 2018
After learning how to use the Chinese language IVMS I discovered how to enable the English language on IVMS 4200. This allows you to configure the NVR with English language settings and can save some money on the hardware ;)

Install English/Multi Language IVMS
Copy the English (or other) language folders from [install_directory]\Translations
Install the Chinese version
Go to the Translations folder and delete or rename the Chinese and zh_cn folders
Copy your languages into this directory and rename "English" to "Chinese" and "en_us" to "zh-cn"
Open IVMS and enjoy the English Language
ivms en.PNG
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Funnily enough, while searching for something else, I stumbled on this last night...

Hello, my device is DS-7804NB-K1/C, I couldn't connect via SSH OR Telent only com port via TTL , so can you any one help me to change cn to English