#!/usr/bin/perl -
use Date::Format;
use File::Find::Rule;
use DBI;
#use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
my ($mainInputDir, $outputDir) = @ARGV;
if (not defined $mainInputDir) {
die "\nERROR: Need input directory.\nThe input directory should be the directory that contains the datadir folders.\nUsage: extract_capture.pl inputdir outputdir\n";
if (not defined $outputDir) {
die "\nERROR: Need output directory.\nUsage: extract_capture.pl inputdir outputdir\n";
unless ((-e $mainInputDir."/datadir0/event_db_index01") or (-e $mainInputDir."/datadir0/index00p.bin") or (-e $mainInputDir."/datadir0/index01p.bin")) {
die "\nERROR: Can't find event_db_index01 or index00p.bin or index01p.bin in $mainInputDir\\datadir0\n";
print "\n************* EXTRACTION DATE AND TIME LIMITS *************\n";
print "\nDate and time format example YYYYMMDDHHMMSS: 20181225221508\n";
print "\nEnter START date and time (or enter 1 to start from the\nfirst available image or leave empty if you don't want to use\na date and time limit): ";
my $inputStartDate = <STDIN>;
chomp $inputStartDate;
$nowEndDate = time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time());
if ($inputStartDate != "") {
print "\nEnter END date and time (or enter 1 to use current date and\ntime (this will extract until the last image), or leave empty\nif you don't want to use a date and time limit): ";
our $inputEndDate = <STDIN>;
chomp $inputEndDate;
if ($inputEndDate == 1) {
$inputEndDate = $nowEndDate;
print "\n************* OUTPUT JPG FILES NAMING OPTIONS (DEFAULT 1) *************\n";
print "\nEnter 1 for Image_YYYY_MM_DD-HH_MM_SS-DayName.jpg\nEx: Image_2018_12_25-22_15_08-Tue.jpg\n";
print "\nEnter 2 for Image_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-DayNumber.jpg\nEx: Image_20181225221508-2.jpg\n";
my $outputDateFormat = <STDIN>;
chomp $outputDateFormat;
print "\n************* WHEN MORE THAN ONE PICTURE IS TAKEN PER SECOND (DEFAULT 1) *************\n";
print "\nEnter 1 to auto rename and keep all pictures\n";
print "\nEnter 2 to only save the first picture\n";
my $timeDuplicates = <STDIN>;
chomp $timeDuplicates;
my @datadirArray = File::Find::Rule->directory->in($mainInputDir);
my $datadirNumber = @datadirArray;
for ($i=1; $i<$datadirNumber; $i++) {
my $inputDir = $datadirArray[$i];
print "Processing folder: $inputDir\n";
if (-e $inputDir."/event_db_index01") {
my $ary1;
my $TBNumber;
my $driver = "SQLite";
my $database = $inputDir . "/event_db_index01";
my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:dbname=$database";
my $userid = "";
my $password = "";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $userid, $password, { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
my $sth = $dbh->table_info('','main','%', 'TABLE');
my $tables = [map{$_->[2]} @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref()}];
#print join("\n", @$tables);
if ( grep( /^event_id$/, @$tables ) ) {
print "\n\n***** event_id found *****\n";
my $stmt = qq(SELECT id, event_table_name from event_id;);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
my $rv = $sth->execute() or die $DBI::errstr;
if($rv < 0) {
print $DBI::errstr;
$ary1 = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
#print Dumper(\$ary1);
else {
$ary1 = [
'id' => 10,
'event_table_name' => 'MotionDetectTB'
'id' => 12,
'event_table_name' => 'AlarmInputTB'
'id' => 13,
'event_table_name' => 'SceneChangeTB'
'id' => 24,
'event_table_name' => 'NormalPirTB'
'id' => 194,
'event_table_name' => 'faceSnapDB'
'id' => 204,
'event_table_name' => 'intrusionDB'
'id' => 205,
'event_table_name' => 'lineCrossDB'
'id' => 206,
'event_table_name' => 'regionEnterDB'
'id' => 207,
'event_table_name' => 'regionExitDB'
'id' => 208,
'event_table_name' => 'loiteringDB'
'id' => 209,
'event_table_name' => 'peopleGatherDB'
'id' => 210,
'event_table_name' => 'fastMoveDB'
'id' => 211,
'event_table_name' => 'ParkingDB'
'id' => 212,
'event_table_name' => 'objectLeaveDB'
'id' => 213,
'event_table_name' => 'objectRemoveDB'
'id' => 234,
'event_table_name' => 'MdWithTargetDB'
#---------- Extract first picture only ----------
'id' => 241,
'event_table_name' => 'FaceDetectTB'
'id' => 449,
'event_table_name' => 'IntrusionCaptureTable'
'id' => 450,
'event_table_name' => 'LineCrossCaptureTable'
'id' => 451,
'event_table_name' => 'RegionEnterCaptureTable'
'id' => 452,
'event_table_name' => 'RegionExitCaptureTable'
'id' => 453,
'event_table_name' => 'LoiteringCaptureTable'
'id' => 454,
'event_table_name' => 'PeopleGatherCaptureTable'
'id' => 455,
'event_table_name' => 'FastMoveCaptureTable'
'id' => 456,
'event_table_name' => 'ParkingCaptureTable'
'id' => 457,
'event_table_name' => 'ObjectLeaveCaptureTable'
'id' => 458,
'event_table_name' => 'ObjectRemoveCaptureTable'
'id' => 460,
'event_table_name' => 'TimingCaptureTB'
#------------------- Unknown id -------------------
'id' => 1000,
'event_table_name' => 'ManualCaptureTB'
'id' => 1001,
'event_table_name' => 'MdWithTargetCaptureTable'
#---------- Extract first picture only ----------
'id' => 1002,
'event_table_name' => 'mixedTrafficDetectTB'
$TBNumber = $#$ary1 + 1;
print "\nNumber of tables in database: $TBNumber\n";
my $tableName;
for ($j=0; $j<$TBNumber; $j++) {
$tableName = $ary1->[$j]{'event_table_name'};
if ( grep( /^$tableName$/, @$tables ) ) {
print "\n***** $tableName found *****\n";
print "Processing table: $tableName: ";
my $stmt = "SELECT id, trigger_time, file_no, pic_offset_0, pic_len_0 from ".$tableName;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt) or die $DBI::errstr;
my $rv = $sth->execute();
if($rv < 0) {
print $DBI::errstr;
$ary = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
my $TBLength = $#$ary + 1;
print "$TBLength\n";
for ($k=0; $k<$TBLength; $k++) {
$fileNumber = $ary->[$k]{'file_no'};
$picFileName = "hiv" . sprintf("%05d", $fileNumber) . ".pic";
open (PF, $inputDir . "/" . $picFileName) or die "ERROR: Can't find " .$picFileName. " in the input folder.\n";
$capDate = $ary->[$k]{'trigger_time'};
$startOffset = $ary->[$k]{'pic_offset_0'};
$endOffset = $startOffset + ($ary->[$k]{'pic_len_0'});
$formatted_start_time = time2str("%C", $capDate, -0005);
if ($outputDateFormat == 1) {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%a", $capDate, -0005);
elsif ($outputDateFormat == 2) {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%w", $capDate, -0005);
else {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%a", $capDate, -0005);
$limitFileDate = time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $capDate, -0005);
if ($inputStartDate != "" and $inputEndDate != "") {
if ($capDate > 0 and $limitFileDate >= $inputStartDate and $limitFileDate <= $inputEndDate) {
$jpegLength = ($endOffset - $startOffset);
$fileSize = $jpegLength / 1024;
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}.jpg";
if ($timeDuplicates != 2) {
my $picNumber = 1;
if (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
print "File Exists! Renaming...\n";
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}-". sprintf("%03d", $picNumber) .".jpg";
goto START;
unless (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
if ($jpegLength > 0) {
seek (PF, $startOffset, 0);
read (PF, $singlejpeg, $jpegLength);
print "PicFile: $picFileName\n";
if ($singlejpeg =~ /[^\0]/) {
print "POSITION (".($k+1)."): $formatted_start_time - OFFSET:($startOffset - $endOffset)\nFILE NAME: $fileName FILE SIZE: ". int($fileSize)." KB\n\n";
open (OUTFILE, ">". $outputDir."/".$fileName);
print OUTFILE ${singlejpeg};
close OUTFILE;
else {
if ($capDate > 0) {
$jpegLength = ($endOffset - $startOffset);
$fileSize = $jpegLength / 1024;
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}.jpg";
if ($timeDuplicates != 2) {
my $picNumber = 1;
if (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
print "File Exists! Renaming...\n";
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}-". sprintf("%03d", $picNumber) .".jpg";
goto START;
unless (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
if ($jpegLength > 0) {
seek (PF, $startOffset, 0);
read (PF, $singlejpeg, $jpegLength);
print "PicFile: $picFileName\n";
if ($singlejpeg =~ /[^\0]/) {
print "POSITION (".($k+1)."): $formatted_start_time - OFFSET:($startOffset - $endOffset)\nFILE NAME: $fileName FILE SIZE: ". int($fileSize)." KB\n\n";
open (OUTFILE, ">". $outputDir."/".$fileName);
print OUTFILE ${singlejpeg};
close OUTFILE;
close (PF);
else {
print "\nCan't find table: $tableName\n";
print "Operation done for folder: $inputDir\n";
elsif ((-e $inputDir."/index00p.bin") or (-e $inputDir."/index01p.bin")) {
$maxRecords = 4096;
$recordSize = 80;
open (FH,$inputDir . "/index00p.bin") or (print "\n\nCan't find index00p.bin, trying to use index01p.bin...\n" and open (FH,$inputDir . "/index01p.bin")) or die "ERROR: Can't find index00p.bin or index01p.bin in the input folder.\n";
read (FH,$buffer,1280);
#read (FH,$buffer,-s "index00.bin");
($modifyTimes, $version, $picFiles, $nextFileRecNo, $lastFileRecNo, $curFileRec, $unknown, $checksum) = unpack("Q1I1I1I1I1C1176C76I1",$buffer);
#print "$modifyTimes, $version, $picFiles, $nextFileRecNo, $lastFileRecNo, $curFileRec, $unknown, $checksum\n";
$currentpos = tell (FH);
$offset = $maxRecords * $recordSize;
$fullSize = $offset * $picFiles;
for ($l=0; $l<$fullSize; $l++) {
seek (FH, $l, 0); #Use seek to make sure we are at the right location, 'read' was occasionally jumping a byte
$Headcurrentpos = tell (FH);
read (FH,$Headbuffer,80); #Read 80 bytes for the record
#print "************$Headcurrentpos***************\n";
($Headfield1, $Headfield2, $HeadcapDate, $Headfield4, $Headfield5, $Headfield6, $Headfield7, $Headfield8, $Headfield9, $Headfield10, $HeadstartOffset, $HeadendOffset, $Headfield13, $Headfield14, $Headfield15, $Headfield16) = unpack("I*",$Headbuffer);
#print "\n$Headcurrentpos: $Headfield1, $Headfield2, $HeadcapDate, $Headfield4, $Headfield5, $Headfield6, $Headfield7, $Headfield8, $Headfield9, $Headfield10, $HeadstartOffset, $HeadendOffset, $Headfield13, $Headfield14, $Headfield15, $Headfield16\n";
if ($HeadcapDate > 0 and $Headfield2 == 0 and $Headfield5 > 0 and $Headfield7 == 0 and $Headfield8 == 0 and $Headfield9 == 0 and $Headfield10 == 0 and $Headfield14 != 0 and $Headfield15 == 0 and $HeadstartOffset > 0 and $HeadendOffset > 0)
$fullSize = 1;
$headerSize = $Headcurrentpos - $recordSize;
print "\nHeaderSize: $headerSize\nStarting...\n\n";
sleep (3);
for ($m=0; $m<$picFiles; $m++) {
my $LastCapDate = 0;
$newOffset = $headerSize + ($offset * $m);
seek (FH, $newOffset, 0);
$picFileName = "hiv" . sprintf("%05d", $m) . ".pic";
print "PicFile: $picFileName at $newOffset\n";
open (PF, $inputDir . "/" . $picFileName) or die "ERROR: Can't find " . $picFileName . " in the input folder.\n";
for ($n=0; $n<$maxRecords; $n++) {
$recordOffset = $newOffset + ($n * $recordSize); #get the next record location
seek (FH, $recordOffset, 0); #Use seek to make sure we are at the right location, 'read' was occasionally jumping a byte
$currentpos = tell (FH);
read (FH,$buffer,80); #Read 80 bytes for the record
#print "************$currentpos***************\n";
($field1, $field2, $capDate, $field4, $field5, $field6, $field7, $field8, $field9, $field10, $startOffset, $endOffset, $field13, $field14, $field15, $field16) = unpack("I*",$buffer);
#print "\n$field1, $field2, $capDate, $field4, $field5, $field6, $field7, $field8, $field9, $field10, $startOffset, $endOffset, $field13, $field14, $field15, $field16\n";
$formatted_start_time = time2str("%C", $capDate, -0005);
if ($outputDateFormat == 1) {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%a", $capDate, -0005);
elsif ($outputDateFormat == 2) {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%w", $capDate, -0005);
else {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%a", $capDate, -0005);
$limitFileDate = time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $capDate, -0005);
#print "$currentpos: $field1, $field2, $capDate, $field4, $field5, $field6, $field7, $field8, $field9, $field10, $startOffset, $endOffset, $field13, $field14, $field15, $field16\n";
if ($inputStartDate != "" and $inputEndDate != "") {
if ($capDate > 0 and $capDate > $LastCapDate and $limitFileDate >= $inputStartDate and $limitFileDate <= $inputEndDate) {
$jpegLength = ($endOffset - $startOffset);
$fileSize = $jpegLength / 1024;
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}.jpg";
if ($timeDuplicates != 2) {
my $picNumber = 1;
if (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
print "File Exists! Renaming...\n";
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}-". sprintf("%03d", $picNumber) .".jpg";
goto START;
unless (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
if ($jpegLength > 0) {
seek (PF, $startOffset, 0);
read (PF, $singlejpeg, $jpegLength) or last;
if ($singlejpeg =~ /[^\0]/) {
print "POSITION ($currentpos): $formatted_start_time - OFFSET:($startOffset - $endOffset)\nFILE NAME: $fileName FILE SIZE: ". int($fileSize)." KB\n\n";
open (OUTFILE, ">". $outputDir."/".$fileName);
print OUTFILE ${singlejpeg};
close OUTFILE;
if ($LastCapDate < $capDate) {
$LastCapDate = $capDate;
else {
if ($capDate > 0 and $capDate > $LastCapDate) {
$jpegLength = ($endOffset - $startOffset);
$fileSize = $jpegLength / 1024;
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}.jpg";
if ($timeDuplicates != 2) {
my $picNumber = 1;
if (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
print "File Exists! Renaming...\n";
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}-". sprintf("%03d", $picNumber) .".jpg";
goto START;
unless (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
if ($jpegLength > 0) {
seek (PF, $startOffset, 0);
read (PF, $singlejpeg, $jpegLength) or last;
if ($singlejpeg =~ /[^\0]/) {
print "POSITION ($currentpos): $formatted_start_time - OFFSET:($startOffset - $endOffset)\nFILE NAME: $fileName FILE SIZE: ". int($fileSize)." KB\n\n";
open (OUTFILE, ">". $outputDir."/".$fileName);
print OUTFILE ${singlejpeg};
close OUTFILE;
if ($LastCapDate < $capDate) {
$LastCapDate = $capDate;
close (PF);
close FH;
else {
die "\nERROR: Can't find event_db_index01 or index00p.bin or index01p.bin in $inputDir\n";
print "\nAll operations completed.\n";
#!/usr/bin/perl -
use Date::Format;
use File::Find::Rule;
use DBI;
#use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
my ($mainInputDir, $outputDir) = @ARGV;
if (not defined $mainInputDir) {
die "\nERROR: Need input directory.\nThe input directory should be the directory that contains the datadir folders.\nUsage: extract_capture.pl inputdir outputdir\n";
if (not defined $outputDir) {
die "\nERROR: Need output directory.\nUsage: extract_capture.pl inputdir outputdir\n";
unless ((-e $mainInputDir."/datadir0/event_db_index01") or (-e $mainInputDir."/datadir0/index00p.bin") or (-e $mainInputDir."/datadir0/index01p.bin")) {
die "\nERROR: Can't find event_db_index01 or index00p.bin or index01p.bin in $mainInputDir\\datadir0\n";
print "\n************* EXTRACTION DATE AND TIME LIMITS *************\n";
print "\nDate and time format example YYYYMMDDHHMMSS: 20181225221508\n";
print "\nEnter START date and time (or enter 1 to start from the\nfirst available image or leave empty if you don't want to use\na date and time limit): ";
my $inputStartDate = <STDIN>;
chomp $inputStartDate;
$nowEndDate = time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time());
if ($inputStartDate != "") {
print "\nEnter END date and time (or enter 1 to use current date and\ntime (this will extract until the last image), or leave empty\nif you don't want to use a date and time limit): ";
our $inputEndDate = <STDIN>;
chomp $inputEndDate;
if ($inputEndDate == 1) {
$inputEndDate = $nowEndDate;
print "\n************* OUTPUT JPG FILES NAMING OPTIONS (DEFAULT 1) *************\n";
print "\nEnter 1 for Image_YYYY_MM_DD-HH_MM_SS-DayName.jpg\nEx: Image_2018_12_25-22_15_08-Tue.jpg\n";
print "\nEnter 2 for Image_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-DayNumber.jpg\nEx: Image_20181225221508-2.jpg\n";
my $outputDateFormat = <STDIN>;
chomp $outputDateFormat;
print "\n************* WHEN MORE THAN ONE PICTURE IS TAKEN PER SECOND (DEFAULT 1) *************\n";
print "\nEnter 1 to auto rename and keep all pictures\n";
print "\nEnter 2 to only save the first picture\n";
my $timeDuplicates = <STDIN>;
chomp $timeDuplicates;
my @datadirArray = File::Find::Rule->directory->in($mainInputDir);
my $datadirNumber = @datadirArray;
for ($i=1; $i<$datadirNumber; $i++) {
my $inputDir = $datadirArray[$i];
print "Processing folder: $inputDir\n";
if (-e $inputDir."/event_db_index01") {
my $ary1;
my $TBNumber;
my $driver = "SQLite";
my $database = $inputDir . "/event_db_index01";
my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:dbname=$database";
my $userid = "";
my $password = "";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $userid, $password, { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
my $sth = $dbh->table_info('','main','%', 'TABLE');
my $tables = [map{$_->[2]} @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref()}];
#print join("\n", @$tables);
if ( grep( /^event_id$/, @$tables ) ) {
print "\n\n***** event_id found *****\n";
my $stmt = qq(SELECT id, event_table_name from event_id;);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
my $rv = $sth->execute() or die $DBI::errstr;
if($rv < 0) {
print $DBI::errstr;
$ary1 = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
#print Dumper(\$ary1);
else {
$ary1 = [
'id' => 10,
'event_table_name' => 'MotionDetectTB'
'id' => 12,
'event_table_name' => 'AlarmInputTB'
'id' => 13,
'event_table_name' => 'SceneChangeTB'
'id' => 24,
'event_table_name' => 'NormalPirTB'
'id' => 194,
'event_table_name' => 'faceSnapDB'
'id' => 204,
'event_table_name' => 'intrusionDB'
'id' => 205,
'event_table_name' => 'lineCrossDB'
'id' => 206,
'event_table_name' => 'regionEnterDB'
'id' => 207,
'event_table_name' => 'regionExitDB'
'id' => 208,
'event_table_name' => 'loiteringDB'
'id' => 209,
'event_table_name' => 'peopleGatherDB'
'id' => 210,
'event_table_name' => 'fastMoveDB'
'id' => 211,
'event_table_name' => 'ParkingDB'
'id' => 212,
'event_table_name' => 'objectLeaveDB'
'id' => 213,
'event_table_name' => 'objectRemoveDB'
'id' => 234,
'event_table_name' => 'MdWithTargetDB'
#---------- Extract first picture only ----------
'id' => 241,
'event_table_name' => 'FaceDetectTB'
'id' => 449,
'event_table_name' => 'IntrusionCaptureTable'
'id' => 450,
'event_table_name' => 'LineCrossCaptureTable'
'id' => 451,
'event_table_name' => 'RegionEnterCaptureTable'
'id' => 452,
'event_table_name' => 'RegionExitCaptureTable'
'id' => 453,
'event_table_name' => 'LoiteringCaptureTable'
'id' => 454,
'event_table_name' => 'PeopleGatherCaptureTable'
'id' => 455,
'event_table_name' => 'FastMoveCaptureTable'
'id' => 456,
'event_table_name' => 'ParkingCaptureTable'
'id' => 457,
'event_table_name' => 'ObjectLeaveCaptureTable'
'id' => 458,
'event_table_name' => 'ObjectRemoveCaptureTable'
'id' => 460,
'event_table_name' => 'TimingCaptureTB'
#------------------- Unknown id -------------------
'id' => 1000,
'event_table_name' => 'ManualCaptureTB'
'id' => 1001,
'event_table_name' => 'MdWithTargetCaptureTable'
#---------- Extract first picture only ----------
'id' => 1002,
'event_table_name' => 'mixedTrafficDetectTB'
$TBNumber = $#$ary1 + 1;
print "\nNumber of tables in database: $TBNumber\n";
my $tableName;
for ($j=0; $j<$TBNumber; $j++) {
$tableName = $ary1->[$j]{'event_table_name'};
if ( grep( /^$tableName$/, @$tables ) ) {
print "\n***** $tableName found *****\n";
print "Processing table: $tableName: ";
my $stmt = "SELECT id, trigger_time, file_no, pic_offset_0, pic_len_0 from ".$tableName;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt) or die $DBI::errstr;
my $rv = $sth->execute();
if($rv < 0) {
print $DBI::errstr;
$ary = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
my $TBLength = $#$ary + 1;
print "$TBLength\n";
for ($k=0; $k<$TBLength; $k++) {
$fileNumber = $ary->[$k]{'file_no'};
$picFileName = "hiv" . sprintf("%05d", $fileNumber) . ".pic";
open (PF, $inputDir . "/" . $picFileName) or die "ERROR: Can't find " .$picFileName. " in the input folder.\n";
$capDate = $ary->[$k]{'trigger_time'};
$startOffset = $ary->[$k]{'pic_offset_0'};
$endOffset = $startOffset + ($ary->[$k]{'pic_len_0'});
$formatted_start_time = time2str("%C", $capDate, -0005);
if ($outputDateFormat == 1) {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%a", $capDate, -0005);
elsif ($outputDateFormat == 2) {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%w", $capDate, -0005);
else {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%a", $capDate, -0005);
$limitFileDate = time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $capDate, -0005);
if ($inputStartDate != "" and $inputEndDate != "") {
if ($capDate > 0 and $limitFileDate >= $inputStartDate and $limitFileDate <= $inputEndDate) {
$jpegLength = ($endOffset - $startOffset);
$fileSize = $jpegLength / 1024;
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}.jpg";
if ($timeDuplicates != 2) {
my $picNumber = 1;
if (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
print "File Exists! Renaming...\n";
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}-". sprintf("%03d", $picNumber) .".jpg";
goto START;
unless (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
if ($jpegLength > 0) {
seek (PF, $startOffset, 0);
read (PF, $singlejpeg, $jpegLength);
print "PicFile: $picFileName\n";
if ($singlejpeg =~ /[^\0]/) {
print "POSITION (".($k+1)."): $formatted_start_time - OFFSET:($startOffset - $endOffset)\nFILE NAME: $fileName FILE SIZE: ". int($fileSize)." KB\n\n";
open (OUTFILE, ">". $outputDir."/".$fileName);
print OUTFILE ${singlejpeg};
close OUTFILE;
else {
if ($capDate > 0) {
$jpegLength = ($endOffset - $startOffset);
$fileSize = $jpegLength / 1024;
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}.jpg";
if ($timeDuplicates != 2) {
my $picNumber = 1;
if (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
print "File Exists! Renaming...\n";
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}-". sprintf("%03d", $picNumber) .".jpg";
goto START;
unless (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
if ($jpegLength > 0) {
seek (PF, $startOffset, 0);
read (PF, $singlejpeg, $jpegLength);
print "PicFile: $picFileName\n";
if ($singlejpeg =~ /[^\0]/) {
print "POSITION (".($k+1)."): $formatted_start_time - OFFSET:($startOffset - $endOffset)\nFILE NAME: $fileName FILE SIZE: ". int($fileSize)." KB\n\n";
open (OUTFILE, ">". $outputDir."/".$fileName);
print OUTFILE ${singlejpeg};
close OUTFILE;
close (PF);
else {
print "\nCan't find table: $tableName\n";
print "Operation done for folder: $inputDir\n";
elsif ((-e $inputDir."/index00p.bin") or (-e $inputDir."/index01p.bin")) {
$maxRecords = 4096;
$recordSize = 80;
open (FH,$inputDir . "/index00p.bin") or (print "\n\nCan't find index00p.bin, trying to use index01p.bin...\n" and open (FH,$inputDir . "/index01p.bin")) or die "ERROR: Can't find index00p.bin or index01p.bin in the input folder.\n";
read (FH,$buffer,1280);
#read (FH,$buffer,-s "index00.bin");
($modifyTimes, $version, $picFiles, $nextFileRecNo, $lastFileRecNo, $curFileRec, $unknown, $checksum) = unpack("Q1I1I1I1I1C1176C76I1",$buffer);
#print "$modifyTimes, $version, $picFiles, $nextFileRecNo, $lastFileRecNo, $curFileRec, $unknown, $checksum\n";
$currentpos = tell (FH);
$offset = $maxRecords * $recordSize;
$fullSize = $offset * $picFiles;
for ($l=0; $l<$fullSize; $l++) {
seek (FH, $l, 0); #Use seek to make sure we are at the right location, 'read' was occasionally jumping a byte
$Headcurrentpos = tell (FH);
read (FH,$Headbuffer,80); #Read 80 bytes for the record
#print "************$Headcurrentpos***************\n";
($Headfield1, $Headfield2, $HeadcapDate, $Headfield4, $Headfield5, $Headfield6, $Headfield7, $Headfield8, $Headfield9, $Headfield10, $HeadstartOffset, $HeadendOffset, $Headfield13, $Headfield14, $Headfield15, $Headfield16) = unpack("I*",$Headbuffer);
#print "\n$Headcurrentpos: $Headfield1, $Headfield2, $HeadcapDate, $Headfield4, $Headfield5, $Headfield6, $Headfield7, $Headfield8, $Headfield9, $Headfield10, $HeadstartOffset, $HeadendOffset, $Headfield13, $Headfield14, $Headfield15, $Headfield16\n";
if ($HeadcapDate > 0 and $Headfield1 != 0 and $Headfield2 == 0 and $Headfield5 > 0 and $Headfield7 == 0 and $Headfield8 == 0 and $Headfield9 == 0 and $Headfield10 == 0 and $Headfield14 != 0 and $Headfield15 == 0 and $HeadstartOffset > 0 and $HeadendOffset > 0)
$fullSize = 1;
$headerSize = $Headcurrentpos - $recordSize;
print "\nHeaderSize: $headerSize\nStarting...\n\n";
sleep (3);
for ($m=0; $m<$picFiles; $m++) {
my $LastCapDate = 0;
$newOffset = $headerSize + ($offset * $m);
seek (FH, $newOffset, 0);
$picFileName = "hiv" . sprintf("%05d", $m) . ".pic";
print "PicFile: $picFileName at $newOffset\n";
open (PF, $inputDir . "/" . $picFileName) or die "ERROR: Can't find " . $picFileName . " in the input folder.\n";
for ($n=0; $n<$maxRecords; $n++) {
$recordOffset = $newOffset + ($n * $recordSize); #get the next record location
seek (FH, $recordOffset, 0); #Use seek to make sure we are at the right location, 'read' was occasionally jumping a byte
$currentpos = tell (FH);
read (FH,$buffer,80); #Read 80 bytes for the record
#print "************$currentpos***************\n";
($field1, $field2, $capDate, $field4, $field5, $field6, $field7, $field8, $field9, $field10, $startOffset, $endOffset, $field13, $field14, $field15, $field16) = unpack("I*",$buffer);
#print "\n$field1, $field2, $capDate, $field4, $field5, $field6, $field7, $field8, $field9, $field10, $startOffset, $endOffset, $field13, $field14, $field15, $field16\n";
$formatted_start_time = time2str("%C", $capDate, -0005);
if ($outputDateFormat == 1) {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%a", $capDate, -0005);
elsif ($outputDateFormat == 2) {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%w", $capDate, -0005);
else {
$fileDate = time2str("%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S", $capDate, -0005);
$fileDayofWeek = time2str("%a", $capDate, -0005);
$limitFileDate = time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $capDate, -0005);
#print "$currentpos: $field1, $field2, $capDate, $field4, $field5, $field6, $field7, $field8, $field9, $field10, $startOffset, $endOffset, $field13, $field14, $field15, $field16\n";
if ($inputStartDate != "" and $inputEndDate != "") {
if ($capDate > 0 and $capDate > $LastCapDate and $limitFileDate >= $inputStartDate and $limitFileDate <= $inputEndDate) {
$jpegLength = ($endOffset - $startOffset);
$fileSize = $jpegLength / 1024;
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}.jpg";
if ($timeDuplicates != 2) {
my $picNumber = 1;
if (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
print "File Exists! Renaming...\n";
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}-". sprintf("%03d", $picNumber) .".jpg";
goto START;
unless (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
if ($jpegLength > 0) {
seek (PF, $startOffset, 0);
read (PF, $singlejpeg, $jpegLength) or last;
if ($singlejpeg =~ /[^\0]/) {
print "POSITION ($currentpos): $formatted_start_time - OFFSET:($startOffset - $endOffset)\nFILE NAME: $fileName FILE SIZE: ". int($fileSize)." KB\n\n";
open (OUTFILE, ">". $outputDir."/".$fileName);
print OUTFILE ${singlejpeg};
close OUTFILE;
if ($LastCapDate < $capDate) {
$LastCapDate = $capDate;
else {
if ($capDate > 0 and $capDate > $LastCapDate) {
$jpegLength = ($endOffset - $startOffset);
$fileSize = $jpegLength / 1024;
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}.jpg";
if ($timeDuplicates != 2) {
my $picNumber = 1;
if (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
print "File Exists! Renaming...\n";
$fileName = "Image_${fileDate}-${fileDayofWeek}-". sprintf("%03d", $picNumber) .".jpg";
goto START;
unless (-e $outputDir."/".$fileName) {
if ($jpegLength > 0) {
seek (PF, $startOffset, 0);
read (PF, $singlejpeg, $jpegLength) or last;
if ($singlejpeg =~ /[^\0]/) {
print "POSITION ($currentpos): $formatted_start_time - OFFSET:($startOffset - $endOffset)\nFILE NAME: $fileName FILE SIZE: ". int($fileSize)." KB\n\n";
open (OUTFILE, ">". $outputDir."/".$fileName);
print OUTFILE ${singlejpeg};
close OUTFILE;
if ($LastCapDate < $capDate) {
$LastCapDate = $capDate;
close (PF);
close FH;
else {
die "\nERROR: Can't find event_db_index01 or index00p.bin or index01p.bin in $inputDir\n";
print "\nAll operations completed.\n";