Hikvision intercom modular system: what is "outer door station" mode and how do you configure it?


Young grasshopper
Sep 5, 2019
New York City, NY

Playing around with two modular intercoms DS-KD8003-IME1(B) , each with a DS-KD-KP keypad, and four DS-KH8350 indoor stations (one setup as master, three as extensions)

What I am trying to do is: one door station outside the property gate, one door station at the house. Ringing from both should make all the indoor units ring. From each inside station, in Live View, Ishould be able to select which external camera to see.
Other requirement: I need separate sets of passwords (keypad pins): some should open only the outer gate, others should be able to open both.

Now I managed to have almost everything working as desired, by setting one door unit as main (no. 0) and the other as secondary (no. 1).

The remaining problem is that the "Passwords" page settings in the Intercom menu of the secondary door unit disappears the moment the unit is set as secondary. The keypad works, but only with the passwords set in the main door unit (you can no longer keep separate passwords sets to set what password opens what).

Then I came along the "outer door station" mode in the KD-8003, so I tried to set the door units like this:
  • door station at the property gate as "outer door station"
  • door station at the house "main door station"
By doing this, the "Passwords" page remain visible in both units, and I can then use separate sets of passwords.
But how do I connect the "outer door station" to the indoor station, since the "Device Management" page disappears?

In other words: what is the "outer door station" mode and how is it different from the "main door station", and how do you use it since the device management page disappears?

Outer door station can be seen as station that joins 2 or more systems with door stations.Now you might say we could do door station and doorphone instead, yes we could do that. but with outer door station we have structure of 3 layers not just 2 .Scenario would be something like planned residential buildings with same entrance to them, where each building have doorstation and each apartment have its own doorphone.
Outer door station can be seen as station that joins 2 or more systems with door stations.Now you might say we could do door station and doorphone instead, yes we could do that. but with outer door station we have structure of 3 layers not just 2 .Scenario would be something like planned residential buildings with same entrance to them, where each building have doorstation and each apartment have its own doorphone.

so this is similar to what I have: large property with entrance gate (outer door station), house with main door station. Each has a keypad. I can set different passwords for both units, as a gardener must be able to enter the property but not the house; other people must be able to enter both. Main door station + sub door station does not work as passwords are shared.

So the golden question is: how do you make an "outer door station" work? How do you link it to the main indoor station, or to anything else for that matter, since the "Device Management" page is not visible?
i believe you are linking outer with door station. I did it once long ago, need to check it out again.

That's what I thought. But if you go to the main door station, "Device Management" page, and try to add the "outer door station", there is no option for it. You can only add "Sub Door Station", "Indoor Station", "Decoder Station". I Tried them all and none works.

If anybody finds this out, it would add to the common knowledge for this devices, as nowhere on the internet that I could find it's explained how to configure an "Outer Door Station"
Hi Nicobar,
Did you ever get this to work? I'm new to Hikvision and I've got two door stations with a keypad on each but I cant get the keypads configured independently.
I asked Hik about this several months ago, they said it is a feature they are looking at. It's badly needed as it stops my specifying the product on larger sites. you need the facility to unlink the keypads and only allow there own codes.
Hello, If you contacted Hik they should give you the proper information.

Diagram attached - Outer Door Stations need the Main station to work as designed.

In the Main station configuration you enter the information of all the main door stations and indoor stations in the system.

For the door station at the complex entrances - you change the device type to Outer Door Station and then you only register it to the Main station.

The Main station serves as a SIP server and allows the Outer Door Station to dial individual Indoor stations.

Drawback is that since Indoor station are not aware of the Outer Door Station directly ( compared to Main Door Stations and Doorphones ), they do not have live view access.

If you do not need Main station functionality, and you do not have Sub-door main stations ( secondary entrances to buildings ), and you do not have Doorphones - so the only outer units are the street/complex and building entrance, you can do this :

Set complex entrance as Main Station, and building entrances as Doorphones, register Indoor units to Main station, and enter Building entrance unit as Doorphone on the indoor units - Indoor units will see both outer stations.


  • hikvision ip video doorphone schematic diagram with outer door station.jpg
    hikvision ip video doorphone schematic diagram with outer door station.jpg
    52.4 KB · Views: 17
  • hikvision ip video doorphone schematic main station registrations.png
    hikvision ip video doorphone schematic main station registrations.png
    173.9 KB · Views: 15
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Hello, If you contacted Hik they should give you the proper information.

Diagram attached - Outer Door Stations need the Main station to work as designed.

In the Main station configuration you enter the information of all the main door stations and indoor stations in the system.

For the door station at the complex entrances - you change the device type to Outer Door Station and then you only register it to the Main station.

The Main station serves as a SIP server and allows the Outer Door Station to dial individual Indoor stations.

Drawback is that since Indoor station are not aware of the Outer Door Station directly ( compared to Main Door Stations and Doorphones ), they do not have live view access.

If you do not need Main station functionality, and you do not have Sub-door main stations ( secondary entrances to buildings ), and you do not have Doorphones - so the only outer units are the street/complex and building entrance, you can do this :

Set complex entrance as Main Station, and building entrances as Doorphones, register Indoor units to Main station - Indoor units will see both outer stations.
Hey robbie13_cro, thanks for the info on this thread. Found it through search and wanted to confirm that when you refer to Main station, are you specifically referring to a km9503?
Hey robbie13_cro, thanks for the info on this thread. Found it through search and wanted to confirm that when you refer to Main station, are you specifically referring to a km9503?

the old model was KM8301, KM9503 is the new one.

it does have SADP built-in, but it does not work so far.

and there is no "name" column in the device list, so you can only distinguish them by IP address.

hope they will fix it in the future.
They just need to unbind the keypad from all devices and it would be perfect, strangely enough the card readers KD-M work on each door station and only register cards to that specific door station and you need to go round to others and register them on other devices in order to work, there is no MASTER broadcast on the Card readers, if they can do it this way they can also do it on the Keypads its just firmware changes but long overdue.
Well.....i'm almost there. Appreciate some help to finish it off. I've been reconfiguring without much luck.

Setup is as follows;

Outer Gate (outer door phone) - Intercom and keypad (elec strike and driveway gates)
Front Door (Doorphone) - Intercom and keypad (elec strike and 2nd set driveway gates)
Indoor Station - Upstairs
Main Station - Kitchen

I've managed to get keypads to work and trigger all the relays correctly. I've set both stations to call Main station and set 24/7 schedule.

When I press button 1 on either intercom, I get ringing tone, however, no ringing of the indoor or main station.

Any ideas???