HikVision intrusion detection stops working


Nov 18, 2018
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Good morning.

I have big problem with HikVision hardware.

I'm using Intrusion Detection feature to detect intrusion on remote sites.

I have the following equipment:
- NVR DS-7616NI-K2 / 16P 1620180523CCRRC24613418WCVU
(firmware version: V.3.4.99 build 180324)
- cameras with intrusion detection option

Notification of intrusion detection is selected in the intrusion detection options. This function unfortunately stops working at random intervals. IVMS software is not notified about events. After restarting the recorder (and thus cameras) everything returns to normal. The symptom of the intrusion detection failure, apart from the lack of notifications in iVMS, is that the preview from the camera does not show the detection area. It is set in the Event -> Intrusion Detection menu and the area can be seen there, however, there is no area in the camera preview.

Please let me know what could be the reason for the "hang" of the intrusion detection function?
The problem is troublesome for me because I have several such configurations that are monitored remotely and I noticed the same effect on three.

Any advices are kindly welcome.

Thanks in advanced.