Hikvision linecrossing and intrusion detections set up setup


Young grasshopper
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Gidday all

I have a question about the set up of linecrossing and or intrusion detection and how is should or should not work, please excuse using the same pics for another question I asked the other day

As you can see in this picture the way the camera is mounted is not particularly square to the to the footpath or road but it achieves the area I needed covered

In the next picture I have drawn in 2 line (only one being used at a time for detection), as you can see the green line neat the letter box starts from almost half way up the drive way to near the gutter. The issue is that will trigger walking close to the letter box but on the other side of the foot path the person seems to walk under the green line and does not get detected, its like the line is at a 45degree angle, should they walk on the grass through the green line they seem to go under it.

I will say also the direction setting for the line crossing most of the time is hit or miss with picking up in the set direction

The other green line running cross the road has the same issue cars on my side of the road most of the time will trigger the crossing but on the other side of the road cars seem to go under the line, its bloody strange and even if I run the line all the way to the garage across the road the same thing will happen.

With Intrusion detection is it very similar
The box drawn near the letterbox will in most cases detect near the letterbox but will not most of the time on the other side of the foot path or grassed area and not even at the gutter or the road. The box going across the road will not detect cars on the other side of the road but has occasionally picked up people on the opposite footpath.

Am I doing something wrong, this has done my head in, I have sat there and drawn lines all over the place and nothing seems to work out right


Getting the hang of it
Mar 12, 2020
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Line crossing: You have drawn the two lines. One in the middle of the street and another by the mail box. In the line crossing tab, look at where it says direction. Where you have drawn the line.... one side is labelled at A and the other side of the line is B. Under direction you will be able to select which you would want it to detect. Movement going from A to B. Movement from B to A. Or both directions. Then select how sensitive you would like it to be. Sensitivity is trial and error. If getting a lot of false alarms then lower it. Not setting it off then raise it. Remember to click save/apply when done.

Intrusion detection: You have drawn a box on the screen. Under it the options are threshold and sensitivity. Threshold is how much of that box is filled up. Kind of like percentage. Sensitivity is just like it sounds. How long the object has been in the box. Higher the number then the longer it would take before it is set off. Since you have drawn such a big box then a car driving by that box would only fill up 1/4 or 1/3 of the whole box so therefore you would need to lower the threshold. Same thing for the mailbox area. If someone walks into the area where you have drawn the intrusion detection box.... How much of the box will need to be covered before it triggers and how long does the object/person need to be in that "box" before it triggers?

Hope this helps!


Young grasshopper
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Line crossing: You have drawn the two lines. One in the middle of the street and another by the mail box. In the line crossing tab, look at where it says direction. Where you have drawn the line.... one side is labelled at A and the other side of the line is B. Under direction you will be able to select which you would want it to detect. Movement going from A to B. Movement from B to A. Or both directions. Then select how sensitive you would like it to be. Sensitivity is trial and error. If getting a lot of false alarms then lower it. Not setting it off then raise it. Remember to click save/apply when done.
Hi lewic

I should have mentioned the pics i have posted here were from an earlier thread, I had drawn in the line for line crossing and the box for intrusion detection in the exact spots where they are configured on the NVR. The line crossing is configured for both directions and sensitivity is set to 70, i have also tried a to b and b to a and it misses on the same area all the time, as mentioned it looks like the object is going under the line.

Intrusion detection: You have drawn a box on the screen. Under it the options are threshold and sensitivity. Threshold is how much of that box is filled up. Kind of like percentage. Sensitivity is just like it sounds. How long the object has been in the box. Higher the number then the longer it would take before it is set off. Since you have drawn such a big box then a car driving by that box would only fill up 1/4 or 1/3 of the whole box so therefore you would need to lower the threshold. Same thing for the mailbox area. If someone walks into the area where you have drawn the intrusion detection box.... How much of the box will need to be covered before it triggers and how long does the object/person need to be in that "box" before it triggers?

Hope this helps!
With intrusion detection, I have the threshold set to 0 and have tried increments of 1up to 7s, I have set the min size to a dot and the max to the whole screen and have played with the sensitivity all the way up to scale and again it appears objects go under the box not being detected