Hikvision Playback Issues


Jun 6, 2022
Hi there, I wonder if anyone can help?
I have a 16 camera Hikvision recorder. For some unknown reason it hasn't recorded, (or says it hasn't, no video found) last Saturday or Sunday. All of the settings are set to continuous recording, and when I try and rewind the playback you can see it has recorded, but when I take my finger off the mouse it flicks back to the current time. Anyone got any ideas? It's really weird. Also, the slider for the amount of time to skip doesn't work. I set it to 20 hours, but it didn't work. Tried rebooting, to no avail. Help!
I have a 16 camera Hikvision recorder.
NVR, DVR, Model, firmware version, browser? Hard to respond effectively without this ...

when I try and rewind the playback you can see it has recorded
In case this is just a file system inconsistency, maybe try this:
Reboot the device and see if that changes anything.
(Depends on model and firmware version) In the web GUI, under Storage | Storage Management | HDD Management select the HDD and click the 'Rebuild all data' button.