HS3-Pi3 Free Smart Home Automation Software | HomeSeer – HomeSeer Store
I am leaning towards HomeAssistant for my future Home Automation software due to it's price and power. Never programmed before so HomeSeer might be a close second. While digging around for info about automated shades, came across this HomeSeer for pi3 being free with associated HomeSeer ads. Of course, the plug in prices are not which are a concern. But still is good to label this as a consideration or a trial run.
I am leaning towards HomeAssistant for my future Home Automation software due to it's price and power. Never programmed before so HomeSeer might be a close second. While digging around for info about automated shades, came across this HomeSeer for pi3 being free with associated HomeSeer ads. Of course, the plug in prices are not which are a concern. But still is good to label this as a consideration or a trial run.