How about a new review, what about 2, 3, possibly 4 ?


Known around here
Dec 9, 2018
Hey everybody, I hope all are having a great summer, staying safe, enjoying the weather and having fun with friends and family. I’ve been heads down on a number of larger global projects while also working on FW recommendations, fixes, feature suggestions etc for Cams, NVRs & middleware. This has been a lot of work and I wanted to get back to doing some more reviews, consulting, recommendations etc here.

In true Wildcat fashion I thought, 1 review is not enough so how about, 2, 3, maybe 4 even ! Thats what brings us front and center. To that end, over the past 1.5 months I’ve been starting to test 3 new cams, all of which will form separate reviews. I am also going to consider building out a NVR + cam tips video for these focused on what I mentioned a few months back, namely how you can integrate with Video Metadata, AcuPick etc to build out a very robust system using associated NVR AI features to augment. This would primarily be tailored for those not using SW based NVR's or other Middleware such as Milestone etc. If interested I will add that to the list I'm working on, let me know your thoughts and anything else you want to see.

I specifically wanted to focus on S3 cams from the WizMind S / EmpireTech S3 series as with the work I’ve been doing, the feedback given etc, I truly believe that these cams are now at a crossroad of quality & feature set with fewer compromises. A key compromise in the past has been less features, great SOC OR lots of features, poor SOC pairing leading to sub-par performance (as in the case of standard cam SOC's being used in PTZ's which is not good as I've mentioned before). Now, I think we’re at a point that brings decent/capable SOC’s with useful and usable features that have a practical use and work well.

So, that should bring you up to date with what I am currently working on (in edit as I type). Spoiler alert, continuing the Wildcat fashion, I HAVE uncovered bugs on these cams so have already filed these. These do impact some of the reviews which I will call out and then separately follow back up with addendum videos, once I get FW updates to test.

So, be on the lookout for the new reviews over the next few weeks and as always, let me know with any questions, comments, assistance needed, etc.
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Very happy from that..

There is not so match love here on the forum for a new Dahua AI functions (AcuPick, AcuPick 2.0, Video Metadata, Face Detection / Recognition).

Mostly due fact that AI functions are Dahua cam + Dahua NVR combo exclusive (or works best in that combo).

Most forum hardcore users are Blue Iris fans - so they mostly limited to Dahua SMD + IVS functionality...

I using 5442-S3 with AcuPick functionality for some time... testing AcuPick2...

Waiting for promised by Dahua firmware upgrade for 6xx-XI NVR line, which I own.

With all new AcuPick 2 features and ability to add more over that (Face Detection / Recognition) due high AI processing power in XI line..

ps. Dahua promised AcuPick 2 firmware upgrade with all Video MetaData attributes (including car brands and car plate numbers) for WizMind-X (7xxx-X) cameras.. this may be an interesting solution..
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I love watching your reviews. You do an excellent job. I recently bought several S3 cams with a 5 series NVR and I use the AcuPick function. It's very helpful and useful and I would love to see you do reviews and videos for combining these cams with the NVR. Thanks for your hard work!
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A key compromise in the past has been less features, great SOC OR lots of features, poor SOC pairing leading to sub-par performance
SOC? State Of Charge? System On a Chip? Security Operations Center? Standard Occupational Classification?
Very happy from that..

There is not so match love here on the forum for a new Dahua AI functions (AcuPick, AcuPick 2.0, Video Metadata, Face Detection / Recognition).

Mostly due fact that AI functions are Dahua cam + Dahua NVR combo exclusive (or works best in that combo).

Most forum hardcore users are Blue Iris fans - so they mostly limited to Dahua SMD + IVS functionality...

I using 5442-S3 with AcuPick functionality for some time... testing AcuPick2...

Waiting for promised by Dahua firmware upgrade for 6xx-XI NVR line, which I own.

With all new AcuPick 2 features and ability to add more over that (Face Detection / Recognition) due high AI processing power in XI line..

ps. Dahua promised AcuPick 2 firmware upgrade with all Video MetaData attributes (including car brands and car plate numbers) for WizMind-X (7xxx-X) cameras.. this may be an interesting solution..

Yes AcuPick is certainly interesting and I respect what Dahua is doing to speed up evidential review and reduce burden on operators. This is incredibly important the larger the scale of the deployment in terms of cams x target / schedule capture x retention etc. AcuPick 2.0 has come on a long way since 1.0 for sure BUT still has a LONG way to go as I've seen with the bugs and issues on the cams so far. Hence me reporting the bugs seen. The beauty however is that for AcuPick to be supported on cam, the cam itself has to also support Video Metadata capture at a base level. This means it gives you the flexibility of using straight Video Metadata functionality instead of having to use AcuPick until bugs / issues resolved and end to end process improved etc. It's this Video Metadata function that I've spoken about for years and is a HUGE win for cams (and operators / owners / installers) when present.
Wildcat - If you have Dahua's ear, consider telling them to display the home page instead of the Live page after logging into the GUI. At least several of us consider this to be a big flaw that causes confusion and wastes time.
Wildcat - If you have Dahua's ear, consider telling them to display the home page instead of the Live page after logging into the GUI. At least several of us consider this to be a big flaw that causes confusion and wastes time.
Hahah, totally with you on that one @tigerwillow1 ! I'll add another, the fact that when viewing the GUI's on a Mac you get prompted to download a plugin in .exe format ! ;)
Please, I beg you, convince me that something interesting is happening in this space. It feels so stale, like nothing has changed for 5 years.
Yes AcuPick is certainly interesting and I respect what Dahua is doing to speed up evidential review and reduce burden on operators. This is incredibly important the larger the scale of the deployment in terms of cams x target / schedule capture x retention etc. AcuPick 2.0 has come on a long way since 1.0 for sure BUT still has a LONG way to go as I've seen with the bugs and issues on the cams so far. Hence me reporting the bugs seen. The beauty however is that for AcuPick to be supported on cam, the cam itself has to also support Video Metadata capture at a base level. This means it gives you the flexibility of using straight Video Metadata functionality instead of having to use AcuPick until bugs / issues resolved and end to end process improved etc. It's this Video Metadata function that I've spoken about for years and is a HUGE win for cams (and operators / owners / installers) when present.

Yes, there are issues.. We received first beta of AcuPick 2 for WizMind-S cams.. There should be more firmware upgrades, which fixes that...

Im very happy from AcuPick 2.0 AI combo: IVS + Video Metadata, which runs standalone on WizMind-S cameras..
Even if the list of supported VMD attributes are limited (most for people, but very limited for cars)..
Maybe in next firmware they upgrade that (question how much NPU / AI proc power they have left).

Classic AcuPick (search by image) done by EI/XI NVR's is cherry on top of that..

I very like unified AcuPick Search menu on 5xxx-EI NVR's - where You have all search functionality (by VMD attributes, cams, dates, map regions, IVS, search by image) in one screen / search function... it is huge..

It actually replaces almost 5 different search functions in Dahua AI menu..

Its functionality is very similar to large big brand CCTV systems for a lot of money (avigilon, bosch, verkada).

lower cam lines (3xxx-s5), new full color (5xx9-s2) and some ptz also received AcuPick firmware upgrade... but there VMD is very limited to AcuPick 1.0 level (so no people/cars attributes)..

2 weeks ago I put here screen shots from official Dahua presentation about AcuPick 2.0, where is a lot information about functionality and matrix table which products lines will receive what upgrades...

First, DEFINITELY subscribing to this thread as @Wildcat_1 reviews are top-notch ... thanks for doing.
You mention that you are testing "3 new cams" - maybe worth mentioning some details as people may be more interested in one than another which may help you choosing which to do first.

Hahah, totally with you on that one @tigerwillow1 ! I'll add another, the fact that when viewing the GUI's on a Mac you get prompted to download a plugin in .exe format ! ;)

1. Amen Brother on the annoying .exe plugin prompt - I wrote over a month ago - "Using Edge, I still get the annoying "WebSocketServer23450.exe" popup before login ... and then the "To use this function, please download and install the plug-in" at the bottom once I'm logged in. As mentioned, be nice to have some method of disabling that since I seem to be able to do most everything with out it" ... annoying to have to hit "Cancel" everytime I open the Web GUI.

2. Since you seem to be taking feedback to pass on to Dahua, I commented on the same post that "BTW, when downloading a single video file (using Edge, but NOT enabling the plug-in) , there still seems to be some goofy limit of 10Mbps as it runs right at that speed ... even though the switch/cable is GigE (tested!) to the camera which is 100Mbps." I find it hard to believe this is an Edge issue (I can download stuff from the LAN/WAN at close to GigE speeds ... but the Dahua is EXACTLY 10 Mbps) ... is this an Edge issue or some limit in the camera's software ... but regardless, why is this happening? Along these lines, we often hear for misc. issues that the "solution" is to "use IE" ... which seems a bit weird in 2024 - can Dahua increase compatibility with modern browsers ... albeit I can do most everything in Edge ... and I DO like the most recent web GUI.

3. Here's an easy one - "Minor Bug: Encode->Overlay->Channel Title is NOT enabled, but text shows up on snapshots (not on video as it should)" - LOL that the workaround is to replace "IPC" with a "space" since you can't null it out.

4. Speaking of snapshots, I think there is a bug in the code such that for these, the dynamic range is compressed and I'm guessing they are using a grey scale of [16-235] rather than [0-255] - see thread here. It's pretty easy to duplicate - compare a snapshot obtained via the API versus one using a snapshot from the web interface (or pulled from the video stream). I (mostly) use ffmpeg to pull the video feed (you don't see the issue there), but sometimes it's nice to pull snapshots (either in real-time or from those taken due to events - loving the new animal feature BTW!) and those look flat due to the reduced dynamic range. I show some histograms in post #23 and in #24 and hypothesize this might be due to using the YCbCr color space(?) Note this is NOT an image quality/sharpness issue - I would expect those to be different depending on the bit rate of the video stream versus the compression of the snapshot.

5. Ditto what @tigerwillow1 said about giving us a SAVEABLE OPTION of displaying the home page instead of the Live page after logging into the GUI.

6. I find it useful to take a quick look at the "event images" from the previous day in case any thing interesting popped up. I can login into the GUI (hit Cancel for the *&^%$#@! .exe plugin prompt), click on Pictures, select previous day, hit search, and then scroll through the images. But that gets tiring ... so I wrote a script that downloads all those images after Midnight and creates a 5-10 second video I can quickly look at. People with NVR's/3rd-party software may already have this capability, but wondering if an option like that would be provided in-camera? It's probably too complicated, but just thinking out loud as I find this pretty useful/quick ... and sometimes "interesting" stuff pops up ... like a raccoon family! ;-)

P.S. New animal feature ROCKS ... here's a picture for 'ya. I actually did a GIF overlaying an image from the ffmpeg stream and an event snapshot that shows issues #4 ... and also #3 (see lower IPC on lower left).
LOL that I just noticed that the time-stamp overlay is slightly different - suggests there might be a duplicate but different code path for event snapshots versus the video stream.

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What I want probably doesn't exist yet but just in case Andy / Dahua have been holding back on us, a new version of the 4kt that uses a newer more sensitive chip to allow it to be paired with a slightly smaller aperture to give a DOF simialr to the S3 5442's, and a more powerful image processor. Fantasy maybe, but I'd love a test!
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