How can I access cameras w/2 NICs?


Known around here
May 8, 2017
Los Angeles
I have setup my PC, with two NIC cards, per this forum recommendation. One online and one offline.
How could I access the one, that is offline(cameras), from another PC? Local access from a different PC, would be enough.
The idea behind using 2 nics is that you can’t access the camera network from your main lan, if you need access logon to the BI server.

In order to access the camera lan from your main network you’ll need to setup routing using an d tea piece of hardware or and I’m not too sure about this you can bridge the 2 networks together on the bi server but then to me that would defeat the purpose of having the separate networks.

Does that make sense ?
I am presuming that you are running BlueIris...

I do this, it is real simple. BI has an interface called UI3. Do a search on that in this forum, or check the BI help file for that info.

If you are looking to access the individual camera's web browsers, then something like Teamviewer would work for you. Google it. This allows you to remotely log into you BI machine's desktop.
TeamViewer or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) (if using Windows 10 Pro).

Physically separating your network is simpler, but means you have to somehow connect to the cameras from the Blue Iris machine itself (hence why you need to remote into it). The cameras cannot connect to your main network or vice-versa.
OK, just an update, Team Viewer works. It takes a few tries until it connects, but it works. Thanks
Try installing rdpwrap and then using Remote Desktop connection to see if that is any better, in my view there’s no need to install 3rd party apps when there’s a perfectly acceptable built in utility.
I only have Home version and I don't even know, what that rdpwrap is.