How can I keep the spiders from sabotaging my driveway cam?

I turned the IR emitters off right after I got the cam. Doesn't seem to make any difference as far as the spidies are concerned. I just went out there and unleashed global Armageddon on them with my air compressor. I know they'll be back tho. Wish there was a better solution.

Fear not....they'll be back tomorrow. :lmao: :lmao:
Exactly the reason why I use external lighting and have no lights on my cams. Stops rain drop streaks too from showing up.

Now I haven't tried this but Gator says WD-40 keeps bugs away, maybe try rubbing WD-40 all over the camera housing?? Anyone else know this Gator guy?? LOL "Neeeeeeeeext!!"

It's worth a try.
Get an LED flashlight or headlamp if you don't have one. Go out at night after the spiders have had a chance to become active. When you shine the LED on them their eyes will reflect back and you can easily see them and spray them. For anyone who is curious, go out at night with an LED light and shine it around your yard - you'll be amazed the number spiders you see.
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I have heard that putting a cat flea collar around the cam solves it, but unfortunately I can’t buy these in my county anymore as they have gone out of favour in the cat world.

actually since writing this I have found I can get them online just not in pet stores so I have got some to test and will report back :)
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