How come my zone crossing doesn't trigger when a vehicle crosses?


Getting the hang of it
May 13, 2015
At my driveway, I have 4 zones setup. Zone crossing is setup A-B ,B-C, etc... so that reguardless how the zone are crossed it'll be triggered.

Seems fine with pedestrian and when we're pulling away but I noticed that when a vehicle drive into the driveway it doesn't trigger. i think I understand what's causing this but I can't quite pull it out of my A$$ where's adjust to fix this.

If I'm not mistaken, there's something going on with the object not fully crossing the zones?

Attached is what my 4 zones look like. driveway zones.jpg
From what I understand, you don't want zones overlapping, I have a zone (G) filling the whole screen as suggested in a BI configuration email which I believe what you're emplying to?

I don't have a problem with zone crossing perse, I have an issue with large objects such as a vehicle crossing the zone and not triggering.
From what I understand, you don't want zones overlapping, I have a zone (G) filling the whole screen as suggested in a BI configuration email which I believe what you're emplying to?

I don't have a problem with zone crossing perse, I have an issue with large objects such as a vehicle crossing the zone and not triggering.

I agree with your understanding that you don't want zones overlapping. But, for the issue with large objects crossing the zone do you mean crossing within the wide zone covering the street? I don't think that zone crossing triggers by an object crossing within a zone, rather the object has to cross from one zone to another zone.
So when a vehicle drive into my driveway, it doesn't triggered, but it does triggered when we reverse out.

On the same note, when we walk to or from the driveway then it triggers both ways.
I have the exact same thing ...
Reversing from our driveway always triggers the motion, but driving in from the road doesn't.
Yet my trigger is defined as A-B
Driving in from the road, does BI identify the motion in the first zone before the car gets to the second zone? Wondering if the speed of pulling in from the road plays into this?
I went through the last few days of videos and found that sometime it does trigger and sometime it doesn't. It's possible that it has to do with the surrounding lights etc.. I'll poke around and report back at a later time if I find something unusual.
So here's something strange. in the first photo, this vehicle drove into my driveway, it was detected from the street and turned red the moment it drove onto my driveway as shown. However, if you look at the bottom timeless, it did not create a trigger.

OTH, the 2nd photo is of the white vehicle leaving the driveway, it did not turn red but did create a trigger.

All of this was about 25 minutes from each other, so lightings has not changed and profile is the same.

triggered.jpg reverse.jpg
But that would make it sensitive to light changes due to cloud formations. This is a problem for me, because my driveway entry is from the south ...
Oh, ok. So it really needs to exit zone A for the trigger ?
It's not enough if it crosses zone B while still within A ?
I have a different take. If you look at the first picture the windshield is totally in the lower zone. The software doesn't know the windshield is part of the car which is in both zones. When the dark colored windshield passes into an adjacent zone it should trigger.

Also, I'm not a fan of the "Total G zone". I spent quite some time trying to make this work and had poor results. Multiple adjacent zones (no overlapping or space between) work as expected - consistently. I have 12 cameras total, all cloned for alerts, and 8 of the clones using zone crossing.
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I have a different take. If you look at the first picture the windshield is totally in the lower zone. The software doesn't know the windshield is part of the car which is in both zones. When the dark colored windshield passes into an adjacent zone it should trigger.

No, the car is recognized as an "Object" hints the box around it. The windshield color doesn't matter. I am actually making a video on this exact thing to clear up some questions
I hit the like button ...

But that would not indicate how much I appreciate your effort.

So .... THANKS !!!!!

But how would you fix it in this particular situation ?
How do you detect a car is parked ? Swich profile ?
Or just create 4 zones, and have it trigger from A>B (road to driveway) and C>D (driveway to road)