How do I get the sheep off my lawn? (humor and actual question)


May 23, 2020

The sheep keep stealing my squirrel food. Btw, that first sheep in the foreground ranges from 60-85% confidence, and that sheep in the background has gotten up to 85% confidence while I was watching it.

Setting for AI are this:

to confirm is : raccoon,squirrel,cat,dog,bear,deer,rabbit,fox,skunk,squirrel,Cat,Dog,person,Person

Codeproject.AI is running 2.1.8-beta.

Any ideas?
It sounds like you want to detect squirrels, but the AI is detecting (at least one of them) as a sheep, and it’s also detecting a rock as a sheep. I had a similar issue where I want to detect rabbits, and the AI didn’t. My tests showed it saw our rabbits in the grass as birds. So I added “bird” to my “to confirm” list. Now it confirms alerts with rabbits that it sees as birds. That satisfies my use case. And yes, occasionally it’s a Robin hopping around in the grass. So what?

Unless you expect sheep to be in your backyard and don‘t want to be alerted, just add sheep to your ”to confirm” list. If the rock is going to stay there, exclude it from your detection zone. If it’s not, just move it.

The above principles work for me. The AI, in my view, is not yet sophisticated enough to provide accurate species differentiation. I’ve even excluded a portion of a tree trunk from my detection zone because the AI saw it as a person with 68% or so confidence.