How do protected alerts affect BVR files?


Pulling my weight
Jul 29, 2022
A few months ago I reconfigured my entire database to match @SouthernYankee 's standard allocation post. At the time, I also relocated my alerts folder to my C: to keep it from growing and interfering with my two storage drives. But, somewhere I screwed up and still overallocated my drives (98% rather than 90%). I just fixed it and repair/compacted the DB. It deleted a lot, but I noticed the "locked number."

Are those due to alerts? I believe alerts are just timestamp shortcuts to a point in the "1 hour/3GB" .bvr video segments. If an alert is protected, does that keep the entire "New" bvr file from being deleted? Am I eventually going to run out of space due to a lock on every bvr file?


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I just noticed the following BI Warning. I'm assuming this is a continuation of the above issue. Only a warning, no errors in BI. Storage looks ok. Things seem to be recording ok maybe? We have seemed to have fewer alerts the past week or so.. I'm wondering if things aren't saving as they should because I have too many locked NEW files.

Any suggestions?


The locked are either flagged alerts not to remove or corrupt bvr files from a crash or restart of the computer.

Your best bet might be to confirm you don't need any video and then shutdown the BI service and delete the DB folder and all the bvr files and then restart new.
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Ouch! So really starting from scratch :eek:

Thank you for the reply, I'll troubleshoot a little bit longer (hoping to avoid it), but will probably do

Might try just deleting and regenerating the db first per @jaydeel 's suggestion in another convo.
I just noticed the following BI Warning. I'm assuming this is a continuation of the above issue. Only a warning, no errors in BI. Storage looks ok. Things seem to be recording ok maybe? We have seemed to have fewer alerts the past week or so.. I'm wondering if things aren't saving as they should because I have too many locked NEW files.

Any suggestions?


View attachment 179147
I don't know what 'code 4' means. Does anyone else?
I just scanned the all of my log files going back 4 years and I've never had a 'code 4' error.
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It's defintely been an issue for a while (and probably why we've had so few alerts recently...). According to the logs, the locked number has slowly been increasing since at least September (when I started saving log files).

Any chance like I asked originally, it has to do with Protected Alert (pointers) also locking the bvr files? I have 3971 alerts in the last 6 months almost all of which are protected.

The logs are just filled with a lot of this (and more, recently).

1     12/2/2023 3:59:08.342 AM    New_2                   Delete: 2 items 3.48G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 4:04:08.718 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 2.92G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
1     12/2/2023 4:04:08.795 AM    New_2                   Delete: 1 items 2.92G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 4:09:09.161 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 3.90G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
0     12/2/2023 4:14:09.433 AM    New                     Delete: nothing to do [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free]
0     12/2/2023 4:19:09.842 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 1.23G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
0     12/2/2023 4:19:09.848 AM    New_2                   Delete: nothing to do [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free]
0     12/2/2023 4:24:10.186 AM    New                     Delete: 2 items 1.86G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
1     12/2/2023 4:24:10.250 AM    New_2                   Delete: 1 items 2.92G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 4:29:10.637 AM    New                     Delete: 3 items 4.65G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
1     12/2/2023 4:29:10.696 AM    New_2                   Delete: 1 items 2.93G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 4:34:10.925 AM    New                     Delete: nothing to do [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free]
1     12/2/2023 4:34:11.003 AM    New_2                   Delete: 1 items 2.92G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 4:39:11.450 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 2.92G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
1     12/2/2023 4:39:11.506 AM    New_2                   Delete: 1 items 2.09G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
1     12/2/2023 4:44:11.925 AM    New_2                   Delete: 1 items 1.91G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 4:49:12.166 AM    New                     Delete: nothing to do [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free]
1     12/2/2023 4:49:12.237 AM    New_2                   Delete: 2 items 2.25G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 4:54:12.602 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 2.92G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
1     12/2/2023 4:54:12.674 AM    New_2                   Delete: 3 items 2.88G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 4:59:13.038 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 2.12G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
1     12/2/2023 4:59:13.123 AM    New_2                   Delete: 2 items 3.73G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 5:04:13.462 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 2.93G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
1     12/2/2023 5:04:13.513 AM    New_2                   Delete: 1 items 2.92G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 5:09:13.729 AM    New                     Delete: nothing to do [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free]
1     12/2/2023 5:09:13.824 AM    New_2                   Delete: 1 items 3.02G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 5:14:14.249 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 3.90G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
0     12/2/2023 5:14:14.261 AM    New_2                   Delete: nothing to do [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free]
0     12/2/2023 5:19:14.483 AM    New                     Delete: nothing to do [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free]
1     12/2/2023 5:19:14.548 AM    New_2                   Delete: 1 items 2.92G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 5:24:14.901 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 2.34G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
0     12/2/2023 5:29:15.315 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 2.29G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
0     12/2/2023 5:34:15.730 AM    New                     Delete: 2 items 2.27G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
0     12/2/2023 5:39:16.128 AM    New                     Delete: 3 items 2.91G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
1     12/2/2023 5:39:16.182 AM    New_2                   Delete: 1 items 2.93G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 5:44:16.520 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 2.92G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
1     12/2/2023 5:44:16.566 AM    New_2                   Delete: 1 items 559.3M [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 5:49:16.794 AM    New                     Delete: nothing to do [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free]
1     12/2/2023 5:49:16.867 AM    New_2                   Delete: 2 items 2.13G [14.32T/14.32T, 1.75T free] 424 locked 2 errors (code 4)
0     12/2/2023 5:54:17.214 AM    New                     Delete: 1 items 2.92G [11.16T/11.16T, 1.32T free] 992 locked
Ken replied with the following this morning... I noted that this topic wasn't really covered in the Help PDF.

Re: Question about the meaning of 'locked' in logfile entries

Locked for a clip means it's read-only, protected.

Locked for an alert can mean that as well, but it can also mean it's a confirmed alert and the clip has not yet been deleted. Confirmed alerts will not be deleted automatically so long as their parent clips still exist.

The code 4 means that one of the alerts is protected, so the clip will be saved as well. It's not really an error ...
The code 4 means that one of the alerts is protected, so the clip will be saved as well. It's not really an error ...
I guess the system isn't really designed to keep 4,000 alerts protected lol. It sounds like eventually the entire NEW/STORED drive could be filled with protected BVR until there's no option to manage/delete them.
Or why keep so many? I export put anything that would need to be held longer
Or why keep so many? I export put anything that would need to be held longer
I just never realized it was an issue lol. I figured the alerts were small and it was convenient having BI manage them so they were easily retrievable (The most intersting alerts are exported to youtube though).

We have 16 cameras, almost exclusivey dedicated to wildlife, with near nightly confirmed alerts (which were automatically protected). Like I said, it only took 6 months to get that many alerts lol.

Going forward we'll probably rethink automatically protecting them lol.