We have folks come here all the time thinking that more MP is better, whether it be for general purposes or for LPR.
Those of us that have been around long enough know that sensor size is more important than MP.
Those that have been here awhile know that I share a representative sample of plates I get at night of vehicles traveling about 45MPH at 175 feet from my Z12E that is on the 2nd story soffit, My angle is about 40 degrees vertical, 50 degrees horizontal. Camera is 35 feet above street at this location.
View attachment 119342
So I was playing tonight and wanted to see how low resolution could you go before a 3rd party plate reader couldn't read it.
I am shocked, but this is D1 resolution substream from the Z12E at 175 feet away and the 3rd party plate reader has read every plate the same as the 2MP stream. The 2MP is a little more defined, but with the idea of getting plates is to bounce IR off a reflective plate, the differences are not as great as we may think.
View attachment 119340
Now I can see why OpenALPR says in many instance 720P is more than enough to read plates and saves a ton of CPU processing compared to 2MP or 4MP.
Hey wittaj and others. I'm new here, and have been reading the forums for a couple of weeks trying to learn everything

1. You mention sensor size is more important than MP, but the recommended Z12E camera for LPR has the smallest sensor from the generally recommended cameras here. Is it more correct to chase PPM (pixels per m) / PPF (pixels per feet) at a given distance? That is how I've been comparing cameras for LPR but want to make sure I'm not missing something.
2. Entering your details into the JVSG calculator, and assuming a 60mm focal length, I get 402 ppm (123 ppf) for your first pic. Is this correct?
3. Changing the camera resolution in JVSG to 640x480 (closest to D1 that it has) gives about 134 ppm (41 ppf). Would you say that is an OK approximation?
Based on richardgohths post for LPR on an Australian Plate (12mm stroke):
minimum 2 pixels per stroke width = 168 ppm (51 ppf) - this roughly lines up with your D1 resolution
desirable 3 pixels per stroke width = 250 ppm (76 ppf)
Australian Standard (2016) recommendation is 410 ppm (125 ppf) - @60mm focal length this lines up with your 2MP resolution
4. The reason I'd like to clarify these figures, is that I'm trying to set the minimum PPM at which to compare LPR cameras, and I can't achieve 400 ppm with the Z12E. I have the following options:
a. Z12E (2MP) the most I'll achieve is 384 ppm (117 ppf) with my parameters
b. B5842-Z4E S3 which costs 15% more will achieve 489 ppm (149 ppf)
My question is would you still recommend the Z12E with the lower PPM, and for what reasons, in terms of night performance, cpu usage, etc? I'm assuming the higher PPM option won't add any value?