
May 2, 2018
Hi there,

I have several DS-2CD3145 cameras that do not record to a NAS, however the NAS is configured, connecting and formatted correctly using SMB/CIFS from the web interface interface.

I have used another camera, the exact same model, with an earlier firmware and it records fine to the same NAS share, so this proves the NAS share is AOK and the fault is with the camera. I have cameras with this firmware and they all do the same thing, so its definitley a firmware issue.

There is a problem with this firmware:

This is the good firmware that works AOK.

So my question is, how can i extract the firmware from the good camera and flash it to the ones that dont work - they are the exact same model as you can see, so this surely has to be possible?
I have read all sorts of posts on this forum but cant find the correct tool or process for the job.

Any help greatly appreciated!

Thanks a lot!
Are you sure you are not running into the hikvision restrictions on mixing products between countries. In other words a USA NVR will not work with Chinese hacked cameras.
Hikvision DS-2CD3145F-IS20170519BBWR ...... V5.4.52 camera recorded well on SD card and NVR. Now I have a different location and does not record on SD and does not record on the NAS. The SD card reads, formats, but does not record. Restart to factory settings does not help .. I only have to upload a new firmware, but I do not have it. Camera from China.
If you try to update a "chinese" camera you may brick it. Some (almost all english) "Chinese" cameras are not upgradable. Who did you buy the camera from, web site and vendor ?

test the SD card with h2testw on a mac or PC. Do the extensive test.

what is different between the old location and the new location ? different hardwired network ? Different nvr ? Previously tried to upgrade and failed ?

Is the camera hardwired into the NVR ? Is it plugged into the same exact port on the same NVR ?
Kamera działa z NVR, komputer z przeglądarką IE jest poprawny, drugi komputer z iVMS-4200 działa poprawnie, wszystko jest. Tylko, że na karcie SD nie ma miejsca na zapis obrazu (ale zdjęcia są zapisywane). Sprawdziłem, czy karta SD jest dobra. Wkładam drugą kartę - to samo, bez efektu. Zauważyłem, że kamera tworzy pliki MP4 na karcie SD, ale zamiast obrazu wideo jest tylko jedna klatka, może być odtwarzana, ma małą pojemność, taką jak obraz.
Aparat z kartą SD działał przez rok, a następnie wyjąłem kartę.After a month, I put in a card and here is the problem. . Skończyły mi się pomysły, co dalej.
From what I found on the internet, people have a problem with this camera with recording to SD. I have not found a solution to this problem. A vendor from China said the DS-2CD3145F-IS will not be recording. Interestingly, as the camera was new it was recorded, when I took out the card, then put it back, it stopped recording. And now she even damaged the SD card and is scrapped. The camera works well with NVR, so I will leave it that way.
It is not only for this camera, I got another Chinese camera with same firmware V5.4.52 build 170527 (encoding V7.3 build 170526) and was not able to record.
It is firmware issue. not sure if we can update it.