How to enable Native Internet Explorer in Windows 11 to access your IP cams.

Seems it may help with the question I was about to ask.......... I use Linux and run widoze 11 on a Oracle Virtual Box but regardless what ever I have tried so far I get the error (This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.) and a load of bla...... I will give it a shot and see what happens I think its a kind of activeX thingy not sure.... this only happens on the 2 add on cams I use the main 4 are annke units and dont give me any issues.
Seems it may help with the question I was about to ask.......... I use Linux and run widoze 11 on a Oracle Virtual Box but regardless what ever I have tried so far I get the error (This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.) and a load of bla...... I will give it a shot and see what happens I think its a kind of activeX thingy not sure.... this only happens on the 2 add on cams I use the main 4 are annke units and dont give me any issues.
Didnt work.................................. any ideas anybody?
No matter what I tried, no form of IE (via command line, Edge, Firefox, IE itself, etc...) will work for me. I ended up installing the iVMS software in order to manage the Hikvision cameras that require IE. Unfortunately, iVMS has some serious issues, and is very frustrating to use. But if you've got enough patience, it's a "solution".
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How to enable Native Internet Explorer in Windows 11 to access your IP cams.

Open Notepad:

Paste the single line of code below:


Save as forceIE.vbs

Make sure the the file name ends in .vbs not .txt, If it ends in .txt you must rename to .vbs

Your all set, click the new shortcut anytime you want native Internet Explorer
Great trick and works too. Thank you so much!!!

Save as forceIE.vbs

Your all set, click the new shortcut anytime you want native Internet Explorer
This works but now @bsocko has pwned my computer. ;)