How to have SMD Human detection only for a selected area?


May 13, 2022
Hi I managed to set up SMD to detect human entering the driveway (through my Dahua NVR settings). Now the camera is picking up human motion very well. But also at parts where I do not want that to happen (at the neighbours driveway). So how to keep the SMD human detection only active within a demarcated area? Would that work by using a heat map? What is the best way to go?
Has someone found a solution to keep SMD WITH area that you want to exclude?
I do not want to use privacy mask
I activate movement detection and selected the area i do not want to detect, As soon as I activate SMD i think that he do not respect the area.
Even if I select only 10% of the image the SMD will react to all the rest of the 90% of the image.
Can someone help me please? =(
Best regards from LUXEMBOURG