I need help to understand why when sending audio to the camera you hear ugly, very fast.
The camera is configured audio codec G711Ulaw
The process I am doing is the following:
- I download a wav audio and converted to the codec that the camera is configured, these are all evidence conversions.
ffmpeg -i padrino.wav -acodec pcm_mulaw -ar 8000 -ac 1 -b:a 32k output.wav
ffmpeg -i padrino.wav -acodec pcm_mulaw -ar 8000 -ac 2 -b:a 32000 output.wav
ffmpeg -i padrino.wav -f mulaw -acodec pcm_mulaw -ac 1 output.wav
ffmpeg -i padrino.wav -ar 8000 -ac 1 -ab 64k -f mulaw output.ulaw
- Turned on the two-way-audio, within the "data.xml" is the xml that enables two-way-audio:
curl -H "application/xml" -X PUT -d @data.xml http://USER:PASS@IPCAM/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/open
- I send through a curl
curl -H "application/binary" -X PUT -d @output.ulaw http://USER:PASS@IPCAM/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/audioData
curl -H "application/binary" -X PUT -d @output.wav http://USER:PASS@IPCAM/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/audioData
This is heard in camera but as I explained at the beginning is heard wrong, I distorted, very fast.
What am I doing wrong?
The camera is configured audio codec G711Ulaw
The process I am doing is the following:
- I download a wav audio and converted to the codec that the camera is configured, these are all evidence conversions.
ffmpeg -i padrino.wav -acodec pcm_mulaw -ar 8000 -ac 1 -b:a 32k output.wav
ffmpeg -i padrino.wav -acodec pcm_mulaw -ar 8000 -ac 2 -b:a 32000 output.wav
ffmpeg -i padrino.wav -f mulaw -acodec pcm_mulaw -ac 1 output.wav
ffmpeg -i padrino.wav -ar 8000 -ac 1 -ab 64k -f mulaw output.ulaw
- Turned on the two-way-audio, within the "data.xml" is the xml that enables two-way-audio:
curl -H "application/xml" -X PUT -d @data.xml http://USER:PASS@IPCAM/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/open
- I send through a curl
curl -H "application/binary" -X PUT -d @output.ulaw http://USER:PASS@IPCAM/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/audioData
curl -H "application/binary" -X PUT -d @output.wav http://USER:PASS@IPCAM/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/audioData
This is heard in camera but as I explained at the beginning is heard wrong, I distorted, very fast.
What am I doing wrong?