How to send every frame of motion to CPAI and prevent missing alerts


Apr 11, 2023
United Kingdom

I am trying to eliminate missing alerts by ensuring every frame of motion is sent to CPAI for analysis. (note I have a powerful PC so CPU overhead is no issue).

The problem;

BI detects motion, and sends the images to CPAI. CPAI then analyses X no of frames depending on the number of real-time images configured and the millisecond time interval.
In some circumstances, CPAI fails to make a detection because the object wasn't clear enough from the frames analysed. The motion continues, however CPAI doesn't get any further images until the trigger ends and is restarted and hence the alert is lost.

My solution (which appears unreliable)

Configure Break-time as;

End trigger unless re-triggered within 5 secs
Maximum trigger/alert duration 5 secs

Configure the AI with +10 real-time images 500ms apart and set the "to cancel" as something such as a bear (we don't get bears in the UK)

So what I think should happen hear is that for the 5 seconds the alert is triggered, CPAI analyses an image every 500ms. As soon as the 5 seconds are up, BI either creates a new trigger (if motion is on-going) and the process is repeated or the trigger ends.

Is my logic correct, or have I misunderstood how the break-time settings work ?
wasnt clear enough ?
what does that mean ?
reolink cameras ?

I thought my explination was pretty clear, think about these two scenairos;

a) BI triggers a motion alert due to shadow or some other insignificant movement, CPAI looks at X number of images and detects nothing. - All good.

b) BI triggers a motion alert due to shadow or some other insignificant movement, a few seconds later a person walks into the frame. CPAI looks a X number of images and stills detects nothing because it failed to analyse enough images over a longer period of time.

So back to my original question, how do you configure BI & CPAI so that every frame of movement is sent to CPAI.
I’m no BI experts, but the way you have it setup, I think you will never have an alert last more than 5 seconds since you set your maximum alert to that length. If you want to retrigger the same alert, then you need to up your maximum setting. Other than that, I think your logic is sound to try and send every frame in during the trigger for analysis. 10 x 500ms = 5 seconds which is your maximum.

In my opinion, I hate the way CPAI is implemented in BI. Why should we have to do math to figure out how many frames we need to send for analysis? There should be an option to “send every frame of alert” in.
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I just put the max , 999 in +real time images, then if it has found nothing and motion continues, it keeps looking
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll experiment a little further.

It's odd that this is such a struggle. I think it's a straightforward requirement that most users would need.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll experiment a little further.

It's odd that this is such a struggle. I think it's a straightforward requirement that most users would need.
No one has probably asked him to implement it that way.