Known around here
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these fake nests work. but do not last past a single season but that's aok.
I bought a concentrate jug of Talstar a couple of years ago when I had a massive invasion of Asian Lady Beetles one fall. The stuff has staying power and it knocks the beetles out. It also knocks the wasps out. A little bit goes a long ways. I found out this spring that Talstar is what my bugman treats my house with.....go figure.Take a few cotton balls, and soak them in bifenthrin (Talstar) concentrate.
Tuck them behind the camera wherever possible and they'll keep most insects away for a few months.
Best to bait them early in the season to catch queens if you're lucky. Typically early may in my area.Yes, they work. But not typically a "quick" solution.
Yeah, we put them out by march here. It has stopped me from being chased around the yard while mowing.Best to bait them early in the season to catch queens if you're lucky. Typically early may in my area.
Least expensive pre-mixed water based item is Ortho Home Defense from Lowes or Home Depot.
I believe it contains about 0.5% bifenthrin in a water-based solution.