I cannot see his face. Please help with settings.

Like TVs, everyone is drawn to the brightest TV even though it may be the worse in overall picture quality.

Darker is ok if it allows all the details to be seen.
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Keep in mind that possibly when you get faces dialed in, the background may be blown out. That is normal. Your after faces.
Otherwise this would fall into the "don't try to do too much with one camera" category.

Almost never will any camera perform at it's best when left at factory default settings or on auto. They need to be tuned for each field of view.

FYI: The correct model number for this cam would be:
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This was at 5.00
One of me and one with my wife several hours later with sun more on this side of house.
They seem pretty good. One of my concerns is is should I opt for a 2.8 instead of this 3.6. We are both about 5.8" Night time is gonna be another ball game for me. so far I have had pretty crappy results.
I think you're fine with the 3.6mm. The 2.8mm has a tendency to put a little fisheye effect on the whole scene. With the 3.6mm you're getting real identity quality video, lots of pixels on the target.
Another consideration is “close focus”. The wider the FOV, the farther away the close focus is. Using a 3.6 so close to the target, I don’t think you will get something fully focused as it seems you are close to the camera (closer than 6 feet anyway).

Here are the “close focus” numbers for the camera:
IPC-HDW5442TM-ASE (which I think is your camera)
2.8 mm: 1.3 m (4.27 ft)
3.6 mm: 1.9 m (6.23 ft)
6 mm: 3.8 m (12.47 ft)
You can see how the background is very sharp, but the individuals are a little fuzzy. That is the close focus coming into play I think. Either way, the images are very nice.
I’ve always used 3.6mm at the door myself. Didn’t care for the wider shot of non critical stuff and better facial ID with 3.6. But that’s just me
With a little more fine tuning I think you can achieve what is needed with regards to your picture, Bob. Your wife's is very good.
If need be, and your adventurous, you can take the cam apart and adjust the focus just a touch for better close up. It would take very little movement in turning the lens to bring it in to perfect close focus.
Also I’m betting you are getting more than just that frame. Not unlike LPR, I don’t always use the exact frame that triggers the alert. Often 1 or 2 frames either way provide a better image.