I'm new at IP cameras.
I'm managing a farm with multiple sites. I spent years as a programmer you can treat me like an 'advanced' IT person if you like.
I don't have much time anymore for computers, though, and I need someone to point me towards some software that supports multiple kinds of cameras, inside, outside, ones that rotate on command, motion detectors, high resolution, night vision, low resolution, audible alarms, electrical relays, different vendors, etc. The only stipulation is that it they have to be IP cameras of course.
I've got multiple buildings with sometimes hundreds of feet between them that need to be watched. We've had fuel thefts, vandalism, trespassing, and vehicle thefts. Right now I've got two buildings on an ethernet link but I'm going to trench more cable over the years, and add some little dishes to extend the network to the other farm sites.
The problem is it's going to be slow install it all because I like to do things myself. I'm going to start with just a few critical cameras and expand the system year by year till I'm sick of it. So this has to age well. In ten years this NVR software should still be up and running and supporting the cameras available at that time.
Where should I start? Windows would be preferred but linux is OK too.
Thanks for your suggestions.
I'm new at IP cameras.
I'm managing a farm with multiple sites. I spent years as a programmer you can treat me like an 'advanced' IT person if you like.
I don't have much time anymore for computers, though, and I need someone to point me towards some software that supports multiple kinds of cameras, inside, outside, ones that rotate on command, motion detectors, high resolution, night vision, low resolution, audible alarms, electrical relays, different vendors, etc. The only stipulation is that it they have to be IP cameras of course.
I've got multiple buildings with sometimes hundreds of feet between them that need to be watched. We've had fuel thefts, vandalism, trespassing, and vehicle thefts. Right now I've got two buildings on an ethernet link but I'm going to trench more cable over the years, and add some little dishes to extend the network to the other farm sites.
The problem is it's going to be slow install it all because I like to do things myself. I'm going to start with just a few critical cameras and expand the system year by year till I'm sick of it. So this has to age well. In ten years this NVR software should still be up and running and supporting the cameras available at that time.
Where should I start? Windows would be preferred but linux is OK too.
Thanks for your suggestions.