Can you be sure that it was the seller that scammed you? I ask because I had an almost identical loss. The UPS truck came to deliver what I had purchased and the driver couldn't find my package. He spent about 15 minutes searching through the truck, and told me he'd be back when he found the package. A few hours later it was marked as delivered. The seller was Dell, so I wouldn't think they run a scam. After waiting a few days in the hope somebody would call me saying they had my package I contacted the seller via ebay and they said they send a replacement. I got a tracking number for it, but it never showed as being turned over to UPS. At that point I ate the $15 loss and bought my cable from somebody else. I have to think the problem with the first delivery was with UPS, unless somebody has a way to manipulate their system to cause this sort of mishap. Another possibility I suppose is that Dell subcontracts their ebay selling to somebody who knows how to manipulate the UPS system.
Your'e thinking like I did. Surely I didn't get scammed. So frustrating!
I contacted UPS and after hours on the phone with them, they finally came back and said the tracking number that the seller gave as my tracking number, the same number that if you put into their tracking system shows as "delivered to me on xx date" was incorrect. They explained they're not sure how the sellers are doing this and making it work. They said I'm not the first to call with this issue. Apparently, I guess, its a bug in their system that crooks have determined how to crack. Also to back up the suspicion, I looked up the web site and it's registered under a hidden name, the address on the site is for a WalMart in KS, the phone number goes to a google Fi account w/ no voicemail, and the email that is posted on the site (the same one that emailed me "thank you for your order") will bounce back as non-deliverable. The most frustrating and disappointing is that Paypal now has the issue as "resolved" and they refuse to reopen it. I've sent all this information that UPS sent me to Paypal, including departments, names and phone numbers of people to contact at UPS to confirm everything I send. In the end, I'm out about $300. Unfortunately I'll only buy from reputable, well established and popular sites from now on.
If the driver didn't deliver the package and marked it delivered, he participated in the theft. I imagine it got lost, And rather than deal with the paperwork he marked it delivered in hopes someone else would deal with it. If I saw the delivered notice in this case I would be speaking with ups manager immediately to report fraud driver activity.
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That's what I though and I told them that I have 24hrs of camera footage that shows I had no delivery that day at all. When UPS determined that the tracking number was a fake, that put the blame to seller. Then when you see the site has only been registered for 4 months, all of the fake info posted, then it really points to the seller. Frustrating as I'm not sure how much other people research companies before they buy from them. The site looked awesome and was covered with hundreds of reviews dating back a couple years. Nevermind that the site didn't exist 5 months ago.
If there's anything to take from this story, just be careful where you buy from. Even if the site looks great and there are lots of reviews, you cant count on them being real. If you really want to check, look and see how long the site has been up, confirm all of the contact info and location addresses with google maps and the local tax assessor office. Really though, who does all that before they order anything? Much easier to just stick to well known stores but even then, how hard is it to get through their contact system and get it resolved?