Known around here
Playback is still broekn.
Try choosing playback (its called "video" oddly enough on the "Home" screen) over a period of time checking just Motion Events for a camera.
It used to skip from one event to the next while you watched, very handy... Now it goes to the start time enetred but then plays continuous instead of playing events only. They're marked on the timeline, but it ignores them and plays as if you had chosen "All"
Try choosing playback (its called "video" oddly enough on the "Home" screen) over a period of time checking just Motion Events for a camera.
It used to skip from one event to the next while you watched, very handy... Now it goes to the start time enetred but then plays continuous instead of playing events only. They're marked on the timeline, but it ignores them and plays as if you had chosen "All"