IDMSS plus help; No available alarm subscriptions in account


Mar 14, 2020
Melbourne , Australia
Hi all,
Can any one help me with setting up alarm subscriptions for iDMSS plus.

I set up my partners phone pretty simple, set up an account on her email. Logged in and selected device .
Did the same with mine but when I try to set mine up on my iPhone or ipad the alarm subscription tab is blank and does not allow me to subscribe to a device.

can anyone help ?

thanks in advance
Try iDMSS HD on your iPad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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Mine says failed to subscribe must be something wrong but I cant work it out. Although android is fine so guess its just apple devices?
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iDMSS/gDMSS is hit and miss as to what works version to version...
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You can try EvoPLUS on iPhone its a good knock off but I think they use a lot of the Dahua code base.. I use both. I have an old version that I dont update that works pretty good. Some have varying degress of success with alarms/alerts
I can subscribe, but it doesn't work much of the time..

Managed to get my ipad to subscribe to the alarms after a total reset but now I am not getting the notifications coming through.

This is the same problem you are having?
Yeah mine are sporadic.