Impatient Indiana Police Officer


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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What, is he pissing behind that vehicle or something (seconds from the end of the video)? I can't tell.


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
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@mlapaglia: Tsk, tsk, tsk. If there's an 11th commandment, it's do not question authority, or accuse it of wrongdoing. Why is it that cops can dish out lectures and verbal lashings to civy's all day long, but when one points out a possible impatient cop, it's inappropriate and so rage-inducing?

Mr Indiana cop: do you really think that unless we non-badge-holding civy's drive perfectly (never speeding, always using our turn signals, never rolling stop signs, etc) we don't have the right to point out misbehaving LEOs? Because I have dozens of dash camera videos of cops doing all of those things in (un)marked vehicles, while in out-of-county (or out-of-jurisdiction) locations. By your own admission, none of those cops should have the right to point out bad driving of others, right?

Why are cops such delicate wall flowers, with white shoes that get scuffed at anything that isn't praise and fawning? Respect is a two-way street, and unfortunately, your profession attracts too many power-hungry 'rules-don't-apply-to-me' types. And while that's bad, what's worse is the inability of the 'good cops' to purge their ranks of those that give the all the rest a black eye.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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I have to agree with zero here. I didn't even know that car was supposed to be the subject of the video until someone said so. It just seemed like fairly normal driving.


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
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I'm not taking sides on whether the OP's video was or wasn't a cop. It's just that anytime someone posts anything that is anything less than praise for a cop, cops and their supporters go on the offense. It's almost cult-like.


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
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Ok, let's take this from the top, shall we? A guy posts a nondescript link titled "Impatient Indiana Police Officer". That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. No narrative, nothing that claims to be cop-bashing "day in and day out". Just that video. If you click through to the description on the actual YT video, he has this:

Undercover Indiana State Police officer tailing drivers, cutting school buses off, and now slowing down for emergency vehicles on side of road.
Was it a police officer: Probably, but we don't know (either way)
Did he tailgate: I would say yes - as the wide angle lens has a way of distorting distance - but that is subjective
Did he cut off the school bus: Again, to me it certainly looked like it was closer than it should have been.
Did he slow down for the worker on the side of the road: no.

To qualify whether the driver of the Charger was driving recklessly, I would simply ask this: If a cop witnessed a civilian driving in the same manner, would that have resulted in a traffic stop. In my opinion, YES. But again, that is subjective.

Kinda a BS video Matt.
First attack.

Then, the accusations of wrong doing of the OP start... Even though you have no concrete proof the OP was the one who filmed this (certainly no more than he had proof it was a cop):

I'm also curious why you cut the video where you did. You were riding next to that blue midsize SUV staying in a lane that ends vs you yourself slowing down and merging. You then sped up to go alongside the school bus yourself in a lane that was going to end in the next 50-100 yards at most. So you yourself most likely forced the bus to merge to another lane so you had somewhere to go, or you sped up and truly cut the bus off, or slammed on the brakes and cut in behind the bus cutting off that blue mid size SUV.
Not only do you imply he was the cammer, but you claim to know what happened after the video ended - both suggestions are implying negative actions on the part of the cammer.

BS video and title if you ask me. If it's yours (which it obviously is) I think your sorta an ass putting the officer in the spotlight for no reason really - especially because you claim he cut off the bus in the youtube description, when clearly he left ample room between the bus and him when he slid over, he also accelerated heavily and moved over two lanes to assure that other car could move, you can also see he cut no one off during that two lane shift. I don't feel it was worth the post - this isn't cop block, take that s* somewhere else!
Attack #2 - calling him an ass.
Attack #3 - telling him to take his s* somewhere else

That guy behind the vehicle/on the side is an emergency road service vehicle who is helping a stranded motorist which you see parked and trunk open in front of that vehicle - prob a flat tire. The OP is complaining about the white Charger that may or may not be a State or local IMPD unmarked vehicle. If it is the OP's video it's a BS video/post that has no merit especially the claims posted on the youtube video description. Matt's just being an ass
Attack #4 - his post is BS and has no merit (even though you claim he's 'spotlighting' a cop - who might not actually be a cop? - can't have it both ways).
Attack #5 - you DEOXED the poster. You don't know if he's the cammer, and yet you feel you have to post his name? Class act.

At the 17 second mark you get the best view during this video of the plate and it "could" be a state issued police plate, but its to hard to tell with the video quality.

Cops risk their life day in and day out kissing their families for what could be the last time every time they walk out the door to goto work and people post jack ass videos like this online with BS descriptions really rubs me wrong! You want to sit at a desk programming all day long, so be it, that's your choice, but don't post videos like this as if you live a perfect life and are all high and mighty never speeding, always using your turn signal, never rolling a stop sign, etc.. Give me a break! If this guy deserved it, post away, but this is just a stupid video/stupid title, with BS unsupported claims.
Attack #6 - Calling his description BS
Attack #7 - more deoxing revealing what Matt does for a living
Attack #8 - more belittling of his video and claims.

So, by my count, no less than 8 different attacks on the OP for simply posting a video - which as you even admitted, may not even be a cop? That is the very definition of going on the offense for a rather trivial post, no?

And as far as this extending beyond this video... When you so eloquently underscore your support for LEOs by regurgitating the overly used cliche "Cops risk their life day in and day out kissing their families for what could be the last time every time they walk out the door to goto work...", well, that just rubs ME wrong. It implies that because they have a perceived risky job (LEO work is actually much safer compared to most industrial jobs), they should be afforded more leeway/slack in how they behave in public. On the contrary. Cops should be held not just to a higher standard, but to the HIGHEST standard.

Again, I'm not saying the driver of the charger was or wasn't a cop. But I certainly thought your reaction to the claim that it was, was overly harsh and irrational.


Getting the hang of it
Jan 16, 2015
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I live in cali.that charger cop or not is reckless driving.i see it every day.

Sent from my 6045O using Tapatalk


Getting comfortable
Apr 6, 2016
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I would call tailing other cars for several minutes (including a school bus) then merging across three lanes of traffic without signaling reckless.

You can't see it clearly in the video, but he has a ISP license plate.

Sorry I got so many panties twisted :)


Getting the hang of it
Mar 9, 2015
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The wild wild west
Meh thats 90/94 going into IL near gary I'm going to say no it wasn't the police no antennas on the roof or the trunk where they commonly have them. I would say its the local area thugs as its a common choice of car for them driving like they normally do in that stretch like mother F@c@ers


Getting the hang of it
Mar 9, 2015
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The wild wild west
It's downtown Indianapolis. I posted links to location and pics of undercover state cars as reference before erkme turned this into a cop supporter vs. cop hater conversation so I deleted all my comments after being accused of being a cop/pro cop and other BS.

Trust me, I drive it often thus recognized it right away.Google Maps
I stand corrected its 65 i drove it 4 times a week for almost 6 years LOL going to Louisville all the time thats the curve just before all the fun curves start lol. Im still in doubt its the unmarked but who gives a rats ass honestly cause everyone drives like a nutter at some point in their week


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
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You're a real class act. Nothing is off limits when it comes to expressing your twisted opinion, is it?
Last edited:


Known around here
Aug 15, 2015
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And in other news female road raging attacks man with a red dirt devil vacuum LMFAO
Check the 17 second mark where it appears the older white guy gets out of the f150 and it then starts to roll away!


Getting the hang of it
Mar 9, 2015
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The wild wild west
Check the 17 second mark where it appears the older white guy gets out of the f150 and it then starts to roll away!
Couldn't miss that part with the loud yelling fool taking the video. I don't care about the truck Im still laughing she had time to grab a vacuum cleaner to fight WTF


Known around here
Aug 15, 2015
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Couldn't miss that part with the loud yelling fool taking the video. I don't care about the truck Im still laughing she had time to grab a vacuum cleaner to fight WTF
Haha, I had my sound muted! Apparently I need to go watch again with the sound on :)