Gulf Stream Current may seize in our lifetime, that's factual, but here's the irony, it may just be the solution towards fighting human-accelerated Climate Change. There is no question about Climate Change, but burning of fossil fuels did speed up this warming cycle which accounts for much of the "bizarre" climatic events occurring around the world
Gulf Stream Current may seize in our lifetime, that's factual, but here's the irony, it may just be the solution towards fighting human-accelerated Climate Change. There is no question about Climate Change, but burning of fossil fuels did speed up this warming cycle which accounts for much of the "bizarre" climatic events occurring around the world
Gulf Stream Current may seize in our lifetime, that's factual, but here's the irony, it may just be the solution towards fighting human-accelerated Climate Change. There is no question about Climate Change, but burning of fossil fuels did speed up this warming cycle which accounts for much of the "bizarre" climatic events occurring around the world
Yup, and I saw 2012 too and that had no legitimate scientific basis , a bunch of hoopla if you ask me. If you want to see the Earth destroyed, it won't be by natural causes, it will be by humans themselves.
Sorry, if you want to preach about humans tossing their garbage anywhere they can find a spot, that I'll buy. But... accelerated climate change? Sorry, but what affects heat or cold the most? We call that the Sun...
True, we do have increased solar activity every now and then. Also, recycling doesn't really do much if much of it is ending up in a landfill or being used to create artificial land
Sorry, if you want to preach about humans tossing their garbage anywhere they can find a spot, that I'll buy. But... accelerated climate change? Sorry, but what affects heat or cold the most? We call that the Sun...
The earth has a cycle to warming and cooling, a 150,000 year long cycle if you can believe the data from that far back (who was there to measure anything so it's all inferred guesstimates). We're just passing the peak of the warming part of the cycle now and things will start to cool down OVER THE NEXT FEW THOUSAND YEARS if they're right with that inferred data.
I have a double degree in meteorology and oceanography. While doing research for my master project, I worked collecting data for a PhD professor for his project. After collecting data for multiple years, i read the published paper, the results and the data had be largely manipulated to obtain a desired result. I question the professor, The result of the study was to get the next research grant. That is what all scientific studies main purpose is to get the next research grant.
The FIRST question to ask in any scientific statement is WHO PAID FOR THE RESEARCH and WHAT IS THEIR POLICATIAL AGENDA. With out that question answered all addition statements are CRAP.
The climate changes, that is what it is suppose to do. That is what it did before man existed. That is what allows evolution to occur. Did man cause the change maybe yes maybe no. Show me the raw unmanipulated data. You can not, because we have not been collecting data long enough.
“Seriously people—STOP BUYING MASKS!” So tweeted then–surgeon general Jerome Adams on February 29, 2020, adding, “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.” Two days later, Adams said, “Folks who don’t know how to wear them properly tend to touch their faces...