IndexSizeError in WebUI with 4k stream


Young grasshopper
May 10, 2017
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Now, I know this is a stretch (and subject to ridicule) considering the tech being used, but I gotta try. When using the webui (UI3), I get a "IndexSizeError" error message when trying to full screen a 4k live stream on my Surface RT or RT2 (using either desktop or metro Internet Explorer). The 4k stream displays fine when in the grid/smaller view (with the other cameras). A 4k alert/clip also plays back with no problem.

Any ideas how to solve the error and get 4k live streams to full screen successfully?

P.S. - Yes, the Surface RT is old AF, but I had several laying around and when paired with Blue Iris' UI3 it's unbelievably stable and fully functional (albeit the 4k live stream problem). I have a couple that's been running solid for 4 months straight so far, whereas the Blue Iris Android and iOS app crashes/quits on me every day or two.