Interesting AI software - CSi Style Face Recovery Possible?


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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Not a recommendation but I found some interesting software via a video on Youtube that might be good for our purposes.

Whilst it has a video version, which I find less impressive, the stills version appears very impressive at face recovery form even dark and pixellated images. I have to wonder therefore if this might be a valuable tool for stills recovery from video?

Here's the Youtube video which examines several different brands of software, with the winner being Topaz (the one I'm talking about):

This is the software's website:

I leave you to make your own mind up, but for me the still photo recovery is impressive, the video software version less so.

There is a free trial version of Topaz's Photo AI so someone could try it out (my main pc probably lacks the power to do this as it's 14yrs old otherwise I would).

I have no affiliation with any of these companies nor do I gain any benefit from posting this. Purely out of interest as to whether or not thsi might be a worthwhile tool to have in our arsenal.
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