IP Cam recs for a Reolink victim

Jan 22, 2023
Down South
HI, I stumbled upon the thread here Alternatives to Reolink? and I have recently noticed blurred motion night vision from my RLC-520 cameras. I have 1 at the front doorway and 1 at rear doorway (I know ideally I would have more but wiring is a challenge). I am looking to add a camera or 2 to each of my detached garages. I have been running these for a few years now (with the reolink windows client) and never really paid much attention to it up until recently when a scumbag broke into our gated neighborhood and ransacked 3 detached garages. The perp has not been found/arrested yet. Needless to say this ticked me off greatly and this has forced me to start researching better options for night movement. Vehicle/person movement videos at night are a complete mess and I am sure would be completely useless to police. I am looking into investing into BI and using CodeProject.AI. My current NVR consist of Ryzen 3 1200, gtx 210, and 16gb memory but am looking to possibly upgrade to newer I7 (10th gen) or later as I have heard they work best for BI. I would like the new cameras to be at least 4MP. Thanks for any information you may be able to provide.
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Sorry to hear you were burned by the Reolink...and yep most people don't find out their cameras do not perform until it is the total stranger scumbag.

Take a look at this thread that shows the cameras recommended the most for the distance you want to IDENTIFY. In some instances it is a 2MP camera. These cameras represent the best overall cost and performance day and night,

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If you have pics of the perp, please provide the pics you got so we can add them to our unofficial Reolink thread!
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