IP camera alert: quickest notification


Jun 26, 2015
What is the quickest/most reliable way to get a notification that motion/event has occurred. Which IP smart camera has those features?

How quick is quick? In some respects the time is configurable depending on how you define motion.
For example on Hikvision's 'intrusion detection' (pretty good for reducing alerts you don't really want like birds flying across fast) you can configure how long the object must be in place before an alert is generated.
On the other hand - simple motion detection can be very much sub-second. Which might be faster than you need.
If your wanting to be notified on mobiles I would suggest you look at something like https://pushover.net, I use it for notifications.. Anything that can send out email notifications could use it by sending an email to: <USERKey>@api.pushover.net

It works quick enough that when I go check the mail with my phone in my pocket, I barely have the mailbox door all the way open before my phone chimes to let me know I am in my own mailbox.. but I am using the API directly (vs through email gateway) as my HomeAutomation software supports it natively.

Just over a day ago I get the special "Mailbox" chime on my phone shortly after midnight, open my front door and find a guy still in my mailbox.. so it's pretty damn quick.
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