IP Cameras from ANDY setup PLEASE HELP

Rule of thumb - Give the cameras bogus DNS and gateway addresses. There is no need for them to have internet access. Best practice is a second NIC or VLAN to prevent them from reaching the internet in the first place and being exposed, at all, to the internet. Surveillance cameras are not known for the security built into their firmware.
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It always frustrates me these don't come out the box set to DHCP!
It always frustrates me these don't come out the box set to DHCP!

Once you know, I think it's easier with the static. I know where it will be. It's a pain to have to hunt through things looking for some random DHCP addresses. Can do arp -a if you know the MAC to find easy but lots of times you don't have.
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I just go look at the DHCP leases in my pfsense firewall, which I have doing DHCP, very easy

Better yet, if they were all DHCP I can just pre-populate DHCP Static maps with all the mac addresses of new cameras, and when I plug them in they just all get the correct addresses I decide on
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Not a big deal either way if you understand what you're doing. It's mostly people doing it for the first time with little understanding of networking that have trouble. If they were all DHCP, they'd still be coming here and asking how to find the address. ; )

Yes, with many cams in a bigger install it would be better to set up and map that way.